Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 38
This version created on 05 October 2006

The 2006 Explosion of the Recurrent Symbiotic Nova RS Ophiuchi

Sumner Starrfield, ASU
Jan-Uwe Ness, ASU
Harvard-Smithsonian Drake Jeremy D., CfA
Joachim Krautter, Landessternwarte, Germany
Marina Orio, University of Wisconsin
Greg Schwarz, West Chester University
Karen Vanlandingham, West Chester University
Michael R. Bode, John Moores University, United Kingdom
Aneurin Evans, University of Keele
Robert D. Gehrz, University of Minnesota
Charles E. Woodward, University of Minnesota
Timothy O'Brien, J., University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Neil Gehrels, Goddard Space Flight Center
Julian P. Osborne, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Andrew Beardmore, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Kim Page, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Howard E. Bond, Space Telescope Science Institute
Stewart P. Eyres, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom
R. Davis, University of Manchester, United Kingdom

The Recurrent Symbiotic nova RS Ophiuchi exploded on 2006 February
12---its first outburst since 1985.  The system comprises a white
dwarf near the Chandrasekhar limit orbiting a red giant with a massive
wind.  X-ray observations began within a few days of discovery and
include data from RXTE, Swift, Chandra, and XMM-Newton.  These
observations, in combination with radio observations obtained with the
VLA and VLBA, confirm the currently favoured picture for the outburst
in which ejecta from a thermonuclear runaway on the surface of the
accreting white dwarf impact ambient wind material from the cool red
giant.  X-rays initially arose from the blast wave that reached
temperatures exceeding 100  million K and exhibited prominent lines
from highly ionized species of N, O, Mg, Ne, Si, S and Fe.  The
momentum-conserving shock system is analogous to that of supernova
remnants, but evolving over months rather than millennia.
Subsequently, a Supersoft X-ray Source powered by nuclear burning on
the white dwarf surface emerged.  This phase continued until May 13,
2006 when the decay in the SWIFT count rate indicated the SSS
essentially turned off and RS Oph entered its nebular phase.  We will
report on high resolution Chandra spectra obtained at different phases
of the outburst, together with an extensive set of lower resolution
SWIFT monitoring observations, that together provide an unprecedented
view of this type of nova outburst.
