Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 39
This version created on 05 October 2006

The YSO Luminosity Function in Serpens as Observed by the Spitzer c2d
Legacy Project

P. M. Harvey, University of Texas
 and the c2d Team

We describe the process of identifying young stellar objects in the
c2d Spitzer Legacy Program studies of star-forming clouds.  We discuss
in detail the results for the Serpens Cloud where we have IRAC and
MIPS observations of a 0.85 square degree area that includes two rich
clusters of young stars.  The exquisite sensitivity of Spitzer allows
us to probe to luminosities appropriate to sub-stellar objects.  We
describe the YSO luminosity function in Serpens for objects with
infrared excesses and compare it briefly to preliminary results for
other star-forming clouds in the c2d program.
