Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 401
This version created on 23 October 2006

The Herschel Space Observatory

W. Latter, NHSC/IPAC

The Herschel Space Observatory is the fourth cornerstone mission in the 
European Space Agency (ESA) science programme. It will perform imaging 
photometry and spectroscopy in the far infrared and submillimetre part of the 
spectrum, covering approximately the 55-650 micron range. 

The key science objectives emphasize current questions connected to the 
formation and evolution of galaxies, stars, and our own planetary system. 
However, Herschel will offer unique observing capabilities available to the 
entire astronomical community. 

Herschel will carry a 3.5 metre diameter passively cooled telescope. The 
science payload complement - two cameras/medium resolution spectrometers (PACS 
and SPIRE) and a very high resolution heterodyne spectrometer (HIFI) - will be 
housed in a superfluid helium cryostat. The ground segment will be jointly 
developed by the ESA, the three instrument teams, and NASA/IPAC. 

Once operational in orbit around L2, Herschel will offer a minimum of 3 years 
of routine observations; roughly 2/3 of the available observing time is open to 
the general astronomical community through a standard competitive proposal 
