Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 406
This version created on 1 November 2006

Discovery of a nearby L-T transition object in the Southern Galactic plane

Stuart Folkes, University of Hertfordshire
David Pinfield, University of Hertfordshire
Tim Kendall, University of Hertfordshire
Hugh Jones, University of Hertfordshire

We present the discovery of 2MASSJ11263991-5003550 identified as
part of an  ongoing survey to discover ultra-cool dwarfs in the
Southern Galactic Plane,  using data from the 2MASS and
SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys. Strong FeH and H2O  features in the
near-infrared JH-band spectrum reveal characteristics seen in 
both mid-L and early-T dwarfs. We suggest these may be
attributable to holes in  the condensate cloud layers in the
atmosphere of a single sub-stellar object.  We estimate a
spectral type of T0 +/- 1.5, measure a large proper-motion of 
&#181=1.65" &#177 0.03" yr, and a spectrophotometric distance
of  ~10pc making this object the nearest easily observable
single early T-dwarf/L-T  transition object in the southern
