Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 407 This version created on 1 November 2006 Multiple-Sized Dust Grains in Planetary Resonances in Vega Debris Disk Thangsamy Velusamy, JPL Keith Grogan, JPL Kenneth Marsh, JPL Vega debris disks with central clearing has been directly imaged at 350 and 450 um using the CSO SHARC II camera with an angular resolution of ~9 FWHM.. Vega disk at 350 痠 has a broad (50 detected), low surface brightness (<40 mJy/10 beam) disk with an inner dust ring structure characterized by three roughly evenly-spaced peaks, quite different to the highly asymmetric morphology seen at 850 um . We use our CSO data and Spitzer data at 70 um combined with DISKFIT and dynamical modeling to predict higher spatial resolution images, observable by future submm arrays with high enough dynamic range, of the resonance trappings in Vega disk and thereby test (and further constrain) the models for the suspected planetary systems. ----------------------------------