Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 408
This version created on 2 November 2006

Doppler Imaging of Sigma Geminorum

Alina Semenova
Sami K Solanki
Svetlana Berdyugina
Pascal Petit
I. Ilyin
I. Tuominen
The MuSiCoS collaboration

Using the DI technique together with Occamian approach, we
reconstructed  surface maps of Sigma Gem for four different
epochs from 1998 to 2001. We find  that the star in general has
2 large mid-latitude spots on the better visible  hemisphere.
Between December 1998 and December 2000 the phase of the
dominant  spot flips by nearly 180 degrees in longitude. Tests
with different sets of spectral  lines used for the stellar
surface reconstructions are done. All maps  reconstructed with
different sets of atomic lines look similar and show 2 group  of
spots approximately at the same longitudinal positions. 
