Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 52
This version created on 05 October 2006

The youngest X-ray protostar & triggered star formation in IC 1396N

Konstantin Getman, Penn State University
Eric Feigelson, Penn State University
Gordon Garmire, Penn State University
Patrick Broos, Penn State University
Junfeng Wang, Penn State University

We present the integrated Chandra + Spitzer study of the IC 1396N
cometary globule within the large nearby HII region IC 1396.  We
discovered the population of very young objects (3 Class III, 16 Class
II, and 6 Class 0/I) with an elongated source spatial distribution and
an age gradient oriented towards the exciting stars.  This
convincingly shows for the first time that star formation in the
globule is directly triggered by the radiation and winds from nearby
massive stars.  The Chandra source associated with the luminous Class
0/I protostar IRAS 21391+5802 is one of the youngest objects ever
detected in the X-ray band.
