Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 54
This version created on 05 October 2006

Cool Star Science and Atomic Data Needs

Nancy S. Brickhouse, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Cool star science -- ranging from searches for extrasolar planets to
X-ray emission from comets, planets and stars -- benefits from an
extraordinary effort to construct and distribute public spectral
models.  Cool star science has also often been the driver behind the
production of new or improved atomic data.  I will present several
examples illustrating how cool star spectra are used to assess atomic
data needs.  Scientific successes from these efforts were highlighted
at the recent NASA Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop at the University
of Las Vegas Nevada, and in the subsequent report ``Laboratory
Astrophysics White Paper.'' I will discuss the findings of this report
in the context of cool star science.  In particular, it is necessary
to prioritize new efforts to increase the completeness and accuracy of
the the atomic and molecular data that support the spectral modeling
codes are needed.
