Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 77
This version created on 05 October 2006

Abundances in Bulge, Disk and Halo Stars

Jorge Melendez, Australian National University
Martin Asplund, Australian National University
Michael S. Bessell, Australian National University
Ken C. Freeman, Australian National University
Katia Cunha, NOAO and Observatorio Nacional
Verne V. Smith, NOAO
Beatriz Barbuy, Universidade de Sao Paulo

We present the first results of a homogeneous study of C, N, O, Ti, Fe
and Ni abundances in Bulge, Disk and Halo giants.  Our study is based
on high resolution (R = 50  000) infrared spectra taken with Phoenix
at Gemini South.  We show that, like in Halo stars, O and Ti are
enhanced in Bulge stars, but the [O/Fe] ratios decrease with
increasing [Fe/H]. The simultaneous observation of CN, CO and OH
lines, allow us to take into account molecular equilibrium in a
consistent way, determining thus more precise C, N and O abundances.
The oxygen abundance of solar-metallicity thin disk giants will be 
compared with the solar oxygen abundance.
