Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 82
This version created on 05 October 2006

The Lambda Orinos Star Forming Region:  the Spitzer Perspective

David Barrado y Navascues, LAEFF-INTA
John R. Stauffer, IPAC
Maria Morales-Calderon, LAEFF-INTA

The Head of Orion is a complex star forming region which includes a
young open cluster (Collinder 69, about 5 Myr), two dark clouds
(Barnard 30  and Barnard 35, with younger populations) and another
younger areas (LDN 1588 and LDN1603).  We have observed one square
degree in each of these regions with Spitzer in order to study the
stellar and substellar population.  These data have been complemented
with optical and near infrared photometry and spectroscopy.  Among the
properties we have analyzed are the Initial Mas Function for each
association, circumstellar disks and their properties, and the
fraction of members with disks, and tried to explain all these
properties in the context of the differences in the local environment
and the evolution.
