Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 84
This version created on 05 October 2006

Correlated photospheric and chromospheric activity in EY Dra

Heidi Korhonen, Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam
Karsten Brogaard, University of Aarhus
Karianne Holhjem, Nordic Optical Telescope
Sofia Ramstedt, University of Stockholm
Jari Rantala, University of Helsinki 
Christina Thöne, University of Copenhagen

We present optical observations of the active M dwarf EY Dra.
Longitudinal location of the starspots on the stellar surface is
deduced from the V band photometry and these locations are then
correlated with the chromospheric structures that are obtained from
the simultaneous spectroscopic H alpha observations.  The photometric
observations show a clear W-shaped minimum which corresponds well with
the enhanced emission in the H alpha.
