Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 85
This version created on 05 October 2006

Proposed New Members of the HD 141569 Association

Alicia Aarnio, Vanderbilt University
Alycia Weinberger, Carnegie Institution of Washington
Keivan Stassun, Vanderbilt University

We present results of a search for a young stellar moving group
associated with the star HD141569A, the B9.5Ve primary member of a
triple star system at 100pc.  The age of this system is 5+/-3Myr as
determined from placing the M-type companions on pre-main sequence
evolutionary tracks.  We have searched a 30  degree region around
HD141569 for ROSAT sources with Tycho-2 proper motions consistent with
that of HD141569.  This search yielded 48 stars, some of which are
known T-Tauri stars.  Using visual wavelength echelle spectra from the
Las Campanas and Lick Observatories, we found five stars with Li I
equivalent widths indicative of youth as well as a greater than 50%
probability of 3-dimensional galactic (UVW) comovement.  We also
discuss the sample in the context of nearby subgroups in the
Scorpius-Centaurus complex.
