Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 88
This version created on 05 October 2006

Development of a gas absorption cell for the near infrared

Ansgar Gaedke, Hamburger Sternwarte
Guenter Wiedemann, Hamburger Sternwarte

We are developing a gas absorption cell for high-precision radial
velocity measurements in the near infrared.  The aim is to transfer
the well approved iodine absorption cell method, known from the
optical, towards the near infrared.  With the stellar atmosphere code
PHOENIX we have calculated synthetic spectra for targets of interest,
such as cool giants, M dwarfs, brown dwarfs and planetary mass
objects, in order to search for lines in the infrared bands.  We have
investigated different gas species with a suitable number of reference
lines in the same spectral regions as the target lines.  Furthermore
we have estimated the conditions for keeping line broadening effects
low and obtaining a high-precision wavelength calibration.  This
method of wavelength calibration is giving a precision of a few hundred 
meters in the H band.
