Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 96
This version created on 05 October 2006

First STELLA science:  360  consecutive nights of telescope time, per

Klaus G. Strassmeier, AIP
Michael Weber, AIP
Thomas Granzer, AIP
Janos Bartus, AIP
Michael I. Andersen, AIP
Heidi Korhonen, AIP
Manfred Woche, AIP
Emil Popow, AIP
Thomas Dall, Gemini

We present first science results and spectra obtained with the fully
robotic STELLA (STELLar Activity) facility in Tenerife.  The first of
its two 1.2m telescopes and its high-resolution echelle spectrograph
went into science verification in summer this year.  Its core aim is
to provide time-series Doppler images of selected active stars over
the star’s entire activity cycle.  We present first preliminary
Doppler images and compare this to previous mapping results.  An
outlook for the future capabilities of this facility once it is fully
operational is given.
