
The Spitzer Science Center is pleased to announce its 2nd annual 
science symposium: "IR Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution".  The symposium 
will be held in Pasadena, CA from 14-16 November 2005.

The symposium will focus on the use of empirical IR data (spectra and 
photometry) to understand the physical conditions and evolution of 
star-formation in galaxies out to high redshift, with an emphasis on Spitzer 
data and complementary ground and space-based observations.

In addition to a number of invited talks, there will be opportunities 
for contributed talks and posters. Space will be reserved for 
late-breaking observational results, from Spitzer Cycle 2 General 
Observers who will start their observations in July 2005.

Limited funding will be available to support student and postdoc 

Registration will open in June.  For more information about the 
symposium and to have your name added to our distribution list, please 
email irevolve@ipac.caltech,edu, or see the following meeting webpage:

Harry Teplitz, on behalf of the LOC