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Spitzer New Views Instructions for Authors

This page last updated: 03/05/2025 23:22:19

We plan on including all talks and posters in the printed conference proceedings to be published by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.

There are four files which you will need to submit your manuscript for publication:

All contributed papers will be in Latex format. See below for file naming conventions. The aspauthor2005.pdf file provides step-by-step instructions for using the latex template, and including tables and figures in your manuscript. It also includes a handy listing of latex symbols in the appendix. Do not change the font size in the template file, or use another style file.

We cannot publish your manuscript without a signed copy of the Publication Agreement and Copyright Assignment form (CopyrightForm_ASP1.pdf). If you did not leave a copy with the organizers at the time of the New Views conference, you need to send us the completed form immediately (by mail or fax).

fax: 626-432-7484 (attn. Mary Ellen McElveney)

mailing address:
Mary Ellen McElveney
Spitzer Science Center
New Views Conference
Caltech, MS 320-6
Pasadena, CA 91125

Manuscript page limits:

The sizes allocated for contributed papers, inclusive of all figures, are: Your paper must fit within these boundaries after you run latex on your manuscript.


Due to the Spitzer GO2 call for proposals, we have agreed to extend the deadline for manuscript submission to March 1st, 2005. Papers submitted after this date will not be included in the Spitzer New Views conference proceedings.

Upload Instructions:

When you are finished with your manuscript, please upload the final latex file, the postscript version of the manuscript (run through latex), and all accompanying figures to our site using anonymous ftp:
     > ftp  
                (user = anonymous ;  password = your email address)
     > cd /incoming/newviews
     > type binary
In your tex file, do not call figures that reside in sub-directories on your machine, since we will not be able to reproduce your directory structure. Instead, place all figures in the same directory in which you are editing your manuscript, and call them from the latex file with a simple reference to the figure. For details, see section 3.6 in the aspauthor2005.pdf file. Figures can be in color or grayscale, but the ASP only prints conference proceedings in black and white. The electronic version of the proceedings can support color figures. Authors wishing to have a color figure need to send both the grayscale and the color version of the figure to the editors. Please go through the final checklist in the aspauthor2005.pdf file (section 5) before submitting your manuscript.

Once you have uploaded your files, please send an email to and with a listing of your uploaded files. Please include your postal address in this email so that your copy of the proceedings can be sent to you when they are published.

File Naming Conventions:

All files (text and figures) must be named according to the following convention:

authorlastnamefirstinitial_newviews.tex (e.g. soiferb_newviews.tex) (e.g. (e.g. (e.g.

If you fail to name your files in this manner there is a distinct possibility that they will be misplaced.

If you have any further questions about the proceedings, please contact or