"Reionization to Exoplanets: Spitzer's Growing Legacy"
October 26-28 2009, Hilton Hotel, Pasadena CA

You are cordially invited to participate in the 2009 Spitzer Science
Center Conference.

This meeting will occur shortly after the end of Spitzer's highly
successful cryogenic mission, and at the start of the Spitzer warm
mission. The meeting will celebrate the accomplishments of the cryogenic
mission, and assess future opportunities in the fields where Spitzer's
impact has been greatest. In particular, the meeting will be organized
into five half day sessions, with each session focusing on a single
science topic. The five session topics are:

1. Exoplanets and Exoplanetary Systems
  (planets, atmospheres, planetary systems, solar system)
2. Star Formation
  (molecular cloud cores, protoplanetary and debris disks, planet formation)
3. The Early Universe
  (structure and galaxy formation, young galaxies, star formation, stellar populations)
4. The Dusty Universe
  (nearby galaxies, starbursts, (U)LIRGs, sub-mm galaxies, AGNs) 5. The Galaxy
  (Galactic structure, interstellar medium)

In support of the Warm Spitzer mission, all Spitzer Cycle 6 Exploration
Science teams are invited to hold team meetings during the conference.
Please send us an email to reserve space and time for your special
break-out session.   Meeting space for other Spitzer-related teams that
wish to hold team meetings during the conference will be provided
on an "as available" basis.

The oral program will consist entirely of invited reviews.  All other attendees 
are urged to submit poster presentations on any aspect of astrophysical theory 
or observations related to the Spitzer mission.

The invited talks will be included in a conference proceedings, which will be 
published by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.  A detailed agenda and 
list of confirmed speakers can be found on the conference website (see above). 
The conference will open with registration and a reception on Sunday Oct. 25. 
Two and a half days of scientific sessions will follow Oct. 26-28.

REGISTRATION will be available soon at the conference website. The registration 
fee covers the opening reception, conference materials and the proceedings, 
coffee breaks, and the conference banquet. The fee schedule is $300 for early
registration (by Aug. 15), $350 for late registration (by Oct. 16), and $400 
for on-site registration (no credit cards accepted on-site).

ABSTRACTS for posters and invited talks should be submitted at the time of 

LODGING is available at the prevailing government rate (currently $128 per
night plus taxes) at the Pasadena Hilton hotel.  A link to the hotel reservation 
page can be found at the conference website, under "Registration". The Hilton 
is located near to the Paseo shopping plaza which hosts a variety of dining and 
entertainment options. The Hilton is also located within 15 min walking distance 
from Old Town Pasadena, one of the most popular restaurant districts in Southern 
California. Room reservations must be made by Sep. 24 to get the conference room 
rate. The number of rooms available to our attendees is limited, so reserve 
early to avoid the possibility of higher rates or more distant accommodations.

PASADENA is best known as the host city for the Tournament of Roses Parade,
but it is also home to Caltech, the Huntington Gardens, and the Norton
Simon Museum of Art. For those wishing to spend an extra afternoon in
the LA area, we are planning a bus trip to the Griffith Observatory (about
10 miles from Caltech) on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 28.  For a preview of
what can be seen at Griffith, see the wikipedia page for Griffith
and/or the Griffith Observatory website. The conference banquet will be
held Tuesday evening, Oct. 27 at the Twin Palms restaurant.

Transportation from Los Angeles International or Burbank Regional Airports
to the conference hotels is provided by a variety of van services. The
"Venue" link on the conference website contains information that will help 
plan your travel to Pasadena.

Requests to be added to the conference mailing list, or any questions
about the meeting should be directed to spitzer09 AT
You will automatically be added to the conference mailing list once
you register for the meeting.

We look forward to seeing you in October!

Sincerely yours,

The Spitzer 2009 Conference SOC and LOC