"Reionization to Exoplanets: Spitzer's Growing Legacy"
October 26-28 2009, Hilton Hotel, Pasadena CA

You are cordially invited to participate in the 2009 Spitzer Science
Center Conference.

This meeting will occur shortly after the end of Spitzer's highly
successful cryogenic mission, and at the start of the Spitzer warm
mission. The meeting will celebrate the accomplishments of the cryogenic
mission, and assess future opportunities in the fields where Spitzer's
impact has been greatest. In particular, the meeting will be organized
into five half day sessions, with each session focusing on a single
science topic. The five session topics are:

1. Exoplanets and Exoplanetary Systems
   (planets, atmospheres, planetary systems, solar system)

2. Star Formation
   (molecular cloud cores, protoplanetary and debris disks, planet formation)

3. The Dusty Universe
   (nearby galaxies, starbursts, (U)LIRGs, sub-mm galaxies, AGNs)

4. The Early Universe
   (structure and galaxy formation, young galaxies, star formation, stellar populations)

5. The Galaxy
   (Galactic structure, interstellar medium)

The oral program will consist entirely of invited reviews.  All other 
attendees are urged to submit poster presentations on any aspect of 
astrophysical theory or observations related to the Spitzer mission.

We are happy to announce that conference registration is now open.
Please register at:

Early registration ($300) closes:  15 August 2009
Late registration  ($350) closes:  16 October 2009

The registration fee includes conference attendance, opening
reception, refreshments, banquet, and the conference proceedings. 
Additional fees are charged for extra banquet guests (beyond yourself) 
and transportation for the Griffith Observatory field trip. 
(The fee discount coupon is only for invited speakers, and should be ignored 
by everyone else.)

Hotel registration is separate; remember to book your room at the
Hilton by the September 24th deadline to get the special 
conference rate.

Please enter your poster abstract (if any) on the registration form.
Make sure that it is carefully spell-checked, since it will be linked
to the conference website.  We will try to accommodate all posters 
related to the conference theme, space allowing.

After you finish filling out the registration form, you will
be redirected to the website to pay for registration
plus any other fees by credit card.

If you have any questions about registration, please send email to 
spitzer2009 'at'

We look forward to seeing you in October!

Sincerely yours,

The Spitzer 2009 Conference SOC and LOC