"Reionization to Exoplanets: Spitzer's Growing Legacy"
October 26-28 2009, Hilton Hotel, Pasadena CA

You are cordially invited to participate in the 2009 Spitzer Science
Center Conference.   The meeting is scheduled for 2.5 days, ending
around noon on October 28.  The deadline for conference early
registration is approaching. Please register at:

Early registration ($300) closes:  15 August 2009
Late registration  ($350) closes:  16 October 2009

The oral program will consist entirely of invited reviews.  All other
attendees are urged to submit poster presentations on any aspect of
astrophysical theory or observations related to the Spitzer mission.
Please enter your poster abstract (if any) on the registration form.
We will try to accommodate all posters related to the conference theme,
space allowing.

Hotel registration is separate; remember to book your room at the
Hilton by the September 24th deadline to get the special discounted
conference rate ($128.00/night). See the conference website for
details, including a link to the Hilton/Spitzer registration
page.  Alternatively, you may phone the Hilton at 626-577-1000.

The colorful conference poster is now available on our website
home page, ready to print and post at your institution:

If you have any questions about registration, please send email to
spitzer2009 'at'

We look forward to seeing you in October!

Sincerely yours,

The Spitzer 2009 Conference SOC and LOC