Data Access
MAST Spectral/Image Scrapbook Data Access
MAST Scrapbook Overview MAST Scrapbook Data Access
You can get a close-up map of a region by selecting a point in red or in yellow on the above image, or by typing a coordinate below.
Target Selection Single Object
(Name or Coords)
Table Upload
(Multi Object) Instructions
Size (deg):
[maximum 12.5]
Images must cover coordinate
Source Search Radius:
[maximum 6.25 deg]
Search Whole Region
Coordinate Examples:
  • 289.3848 11.9674 eq
  • 19h17m32s 11d58m02s Equ J2000
  • 46.5377 -0.2518 ga
  • M 31
Default: Equatorial J2000
The spectral missions included in the MAST Spectral/Image Scrapbook are: HST/FOS, HST/GHRS, HST/STIS, Astro/HUT, Astro/WUPPE, IUE, EUVE, ORFEUS/TUES, ORFEUS/BEFS, and the imaging missions included in the scrapbook are: HST/WFPC2, HST/STIS, HST/FOC, Astro/UIT
IRSA has constructed small 2MASS J-band mosaics for each Scrapbook region. The images are 20x20 arcmin in size (1 arcsec) resolution with projection centered on the Scrapbook location and Equatorial J2000 North up. Both FITS and JPEG version are available in the search results.
Click here for more information and instructions on using Atlas Instructions
Also available is a Program Interface to Atlas.