Data Access

TEXES night logs / data reduction scripts

TEXES night logs and data scripts used in the data reductions of the archived reduced data have also been archived for the user, found here. Log books handwritten, photographed, and converted to pdfs exist from 2000 until the February 2013 observing run. After that date, the TEXES team transitioned to keeping observing notes within the notes file, which is just a plain text file. A notes file exists for each observing night (even prior to February 2013). Within this file, you will find the time order of events (observations, flats, times, wavelengths, #) as well as additional notes written by the person operating TEXES to explain things like weather conditions, mistakes in taking of the data, adjustments in pointing, etc. Finally, we archive the script used in running the pipeline. These files are text files and are all named pipescript_archive.

The structure is : observing run -> night -> files. An example would be 2007-04 (means apr07) -> 11 (means April 11) -> find in this directory: notes, pipescript_archive, 2007_04.pdf