Data Access

CatWISE Catalog Definitions


The CatWISE2020 Catalog contains positions and brightnesses for 1,890,715,640 sources selected from combined WISE and NEOWISE all-sky survey data collected from 2010 to 2018 at 3.4 and 4.6 microns (W1 and W2). The CatWISE Preliminary Catalog contains positions and brightnesses for 900,849,014 sources collected from 2010 to 2016. CatWISE adapts AllWISE software to measure the sources in co-added images created from six month subsets of these data, each representing one coverage of the inertial sky, or epoch. The catalog includes the measured motion of sources in 12 epochs over the 8 year span of the data for CatWISE2020, and in 8 epochs over the 6 year span of the data for the Preliminary Catalog (note this table provides corrections for a small systematic astrometric error in CatWISE2020, typically 30 mas in position and 10 mas per year in motion, as discussed in section 3.3 of Marocco et al. (2020)). The detection list for CatWISE2020 relies on "crowdsource" software and comes from an updated version of the 10-epoch unWISE catalog (Schlafly et al. 2019), while the Preliminary Catalog used "MDET" software (the detection software used for AllWISE; Marsh and Jarrett 2012) to generate the detection list. The crowdsource software is much better at recovering source detections in high-density regions such as the Galactic plane.

Sources were measured in unWISE coadded images that divide the sky into 18,240 tiles using the WISE Atlas tile footprint. Catalog sources are required to be from the tile where that source is furthest from the tile edge, and to have both SNR ≥ 5 and no identified artifacts (i.e. a "0" in the corresponding "ab_flags" character) in the same band, which can be either W1 or W2. The 167,831,546 CatWISE Preliminary sources and 341,799,385 CatWISE2020 sources that fail to meet these criteria are provided in the corresponding CatWISE Reject Table. There are 185 columns in the CatWISE2020 Catalog on IRSA, with brief descriptions provided in the table below. The CatWISE Reject Tables include an additional column ("P") indicating whether the source meets the requirement to be furthest from its tile edge. The CatWISE2020 Catalog contains three columns not shown in the CatWISE Preliminary Catalog: 'glon' and 'glat' which were omitted because they were not computed correctly, and 'unwise_objid' to facilitate cross-matching with the detection list. Additional information about most of the columns is given in section II.1.a of the AllWISE Explanatory Supplement with CatWISE differences described in Table A1 of Eisenhardt et al. (2020).

If you use CatWISE data, please cite Eisenhardt et al. (2020), which provides details on CatWISE and the Preliminary Catalog. Marocco et al. (2020) describes updates for the CatWISE2020 Catalog. For more information, see the CatWISE2020 README, the CatWISE Preliminary README, or the CatWISE Project web page.

Name Intype Units Description
source_name char -- source hexagesimal designation
source_id int -- tile name + processing code + wphot index
ra double deg right ascension (J2000); (note uncorrected systematic in CatWISE2020)
dec double deg declination (J2000); (note uncorrected systematic in CatWISE2020)
sigra real arcsec uncertainty in RA
sigdec real arcsec uncertainty in DEC
sigradec real arcsec cross-term of RA and Dec uncertainties
wx real pix x pixel value
wy real pix y pixel value
w1sky real 'dn' frame sky background value, band 1
w1sigsk real 'dn' frame sky background value uncertainty, band 1
w1conf real 'dn' frame sky confusion based on the uncertainty images, band 1
w2sky real 'dn' frame sky background value, band 2
w2sigsk real 'dn' frame sky background value uncertainty, band 2
w2conf real 'dn' frame sky confusion based on the uncertainty images, band 2
w1snr real -- instrumental profile-fit photometry S/N ratio, band 1
w2snr real -- instrumental profile-fit photometry S/N ratio, band 2
w1flux real 'dn' profile-fit photometry raw flux, band 1
w1sigflux real 'dn' profile-fit photometry raw flux uncertainty, band 2
w2flux real 'dn' profile-fit photometry raw flux, band 2
w2sigflux real 'dn' profile-fit photometry raw flux uncertainty, band 2
w1mpro real mag instrumental profile-fit photometry magnitude, band 1
w1sigmpro real mag instrumental profile-fit photometry flux uncertainty in mag units, band 1
w1rchi2 real -- instrumental profile-fit photometry reduced chi^2, band 1
w2mpro real mag instrumental profile-fit photometry magnitude, band 2
w2sigmpro real mag instrumental profile-fit photometry flux uncertainty in mag units, band 2
w2rchi2 real -- instrumental profile-fit photometry reduced chi^2, band 2
rchi2 real -- instrumental profile-fit photometry reduced chi squared, total
nb int -- number of blend components used in each fit
na int -- number of actively deblended components
w1Sat real -- fraction of pixels affected by saturation, band 1
w2Sat real -- fraction of pixels affected by saturation, band 2
w1mag real mag instrumental standard aperture (8.25") mag w/ aperture correction applied, band 1
w1sigm real mag instrumental standard aperture mag uncertainty, band 1
w1flg int - instrumental standard aperture flag, band 1
w1Cov real -- mean coverage depth, band 1
w2mag real mag instrumental standard aperture (8.25") mag w/ aperture correction applied, band 2
w2sigm real mag instrumental standard aperture mag uncertainty, band 2
w2flg int - instrumental standard aperture flag, band 2
w2Cov real -- mean coverage depth, band 2
w1mag_1 real mag aperture 1 (5.50") instrumental aperture mag, band 1
w1sigm_1 real mag aperture 1 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 1
w1flg_1 int - aperture 1 instrumental aperture flag, band 1
w2mag_1 real mag aperture 1 (5.50") instrumental aperture mag, band 2
w2sigm_1 real mag aperture 1 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 2
w2flg_1 int - aperture 1 instrumental aperture flag, band 2
w1mag_2 real mag aperture 2 (8.25") instrumental aperture mag, band 1
w1sigm_2 real mag aperture 2 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 1
w1flg_2 int - aperture 2 instrumental aperture flag, band 1
w2mag_2 real mag aperture 2 (8.25") instrumental aperture mag, band 2
w2sigm_2 real mag aperture 2 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 2
w2flg_2 int - aperture 2 instrumental aperture flag, band 2
w1mag_3 real mag aperture 3 (11.00") instrumental aperture mag, band 1
w1sigm_3 real mag aperture 3 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 1
w1flg_3 int - aperture 3 instrumental aperture flag, band 1
w2mag_3 real mag aperture 3 (11.00") instrumental aperture mag, band 2
w2sigm_3 real mag aperture 3 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 2
w2flg_3 int - aperture 3 instrumental aperture flag, band 2
w1mag_4 real mag aperture 4 (13.75") instrumental aperture mag, band 1
w1sigm_4 real mag aperture 4 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 1
w1flg_4 int - aperture 4 instrumental aperture flag, band 1
w2mag_4 real mag aperture 4 (13.75") instrumental aperture mag, band 2
w2sigm_4 real mag aperture 4 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 2
w2flg_4 int - aperture 4 instrumental aperture flag, band 2
w1mag_5 real mag aperture 5 (16.50") instrumental aperture mag, band 1
w1sigm_5 real mag aperture 5 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 1
w1flg_5 int - aperture 5 instrumental aperture flag, band 1
w2mag_5 real mag aperture 5 (16.50") instrumental aperture mag, band 2
w2sigm_5 real mag aperture 5 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 2
w2flg_5 int - aperture 5 instrumental aperture flag, band 2
w1mag_6 real mag aperture 6 (19.25") instrumental aperture mag, band 1
w1sigm_6 real mag aperture 6 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 1
w1flg_6 int - aperture 6 instrumental aperture flag, band 1
w2mag_6 real mag aperture 6 (19.25") instrumental aperture mag, band 2
w2sigm_6 real mag aperture 6 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 2
w2flg_6 int - aperture 6 instrumental aperture flag, band 2
w1mag_7 real mag aperture 7 (22.00") instrumental aperture mag, band 1
w1sigm_7 real mag aperture 7 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 1
w1flg_7 int - aperture 7 instrumental aperture flag, band 1
w2mag_7 real mag aperture 7 (22.00") instrumental aperture mag, band 2
w2sigm_7 real mag aperture 7 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 2
w2flg_7 int - aperture 7 instrumental aperture flag, band 2
w1mag_8 real mag aperture 8 (24.75") instrumental aperture mag, band 1
w1sigm_8 real mag aperture 8 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 1
w1flg_8 int - aperture 8 instrumental aperture flag, band 1
w2mag_8 real mag aperture 8 (24.75") instrumental aperture mag, band 2
w2sigm_8 real mag aperture 8 instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band 2
w2flg_8 int - aperture 8 instrumental aperture flag, band 2
w1NM int - number of profile-fit flux measurements for source with SNR >= 3, band 1
w1M int - number of profile-fit flux measurements for source, band 1
w1magP real mag profile-fit repeatability mag -- inverse-variance weighted mean mag, band 1
w1sigP1 real mag standard deviation of population of profile-fit repeatability mag, band 1
w1sigP2 real mag standard deviation of the mean of profile-fit repeatability mag, band 1
w1k real - Stetson K variability index, band 1
w1Ndf int - number degrees of freedom in variability chi^2, band 1
w1mLQ real - -ln(Q), where Q = 1 - P(chi^2), band 1
w1mJDmin double d minimum modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 1
w1mJDmax double d maximum modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 1
w1mJDmean double d mean modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 1
w2NM int - number of profile-fit flux measurements for source with SNR >= 3, band 2
w2M int - number of profile-fit flux measurements for source, band 2
w2magP real mag profile-fit repeatability mag -- inverse-variance weighted mean mag, band 2
w2sigP1 real mag standard deviation of population of profile-fit repeatability mag, band 2
w2sigP2 real mag standard deviation of the mean of profile-fit repeatability mag, band 2
w2k real - Stetson K variability index, band 2
w2Ndf int - number degrees of freedom in variability chi^2, band 2
w2mLQ real - -ln(Q), where Q = 1 - P(chi^2), band 2
w2mJDmin double d minimum modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 2
w2mJDmax double d maximum modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 2
w2mJDmean double d mean modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 2
rho12 int % band 1 - band 2 correlation coefficient
q12 int % -log10(1 - P(rho12)), given no real correlation
nIters int - number of chi-square minimization iterations
nSteps int - number of steps in all iterations
mdetID int - source ID in mdet list
p1 real arcsec distance in ra from the mdet position to the wphot template-fit position
p2 real arcsec distance in dec from the mdet position to the wphot template-fit position
MeanObsMJD double d mean observation epoch
ra_pm double deg Right ascension from psf model incl. motion at epoch MJD=56700.0 (2014.118) for Preliminary Catalog and MJD=57170 (2015.405) for CatWISE2020
dec_pm double deg Declination from psf model incl. motion at epoch MJD=56700.0 (2014.118) for Preliminary Catalog and MJD=57170 (2015.405) for CatWISE2020
sigra_pm real arcsec One-sigma uncertainty in RA from psf model incl. motion
sigdec_pm real arcsec One-sigma uncertainty in DEC from psf model incl. motion
sigradec_pm real arcsec The co-sigma of the equatorial position uncertainties from psf model incl motion
PMRA real arcsec/yr Apparent motion in RA; (note uncorrected systematic in CatWISE2020)
PMDec real arcsec/yr Apparent motion in Dec; (note uncorrected systematic in CatWISE2020)
sigPMRA real arcsec/yr Uncertainty in the RA motion estimate
sigPMDec real arcsec/yr Uncertainty in the Dec motion estimate
w1snr_pm real -- S/N ratio of the W1 profile-fit photometry including motion
w2snr_pm real -- S/N ratio of the W2 profile-fit photometry including motion
w1flux_pm real 'dn' Raw flux W1 profile-fit photometry including motion
w1sigflux_pm real 'dn' Raw flux uncertainty W1 profile-fit photometry including motion
w2flux_pm real 'dn' Raw flux W2 profile-fit photometry including motion
w2sigflux_pm real 'dn' Raw flux uncertainty W2 profile-fit photometry including motion
w1mpro_pm real mag W1 magnitude from profile-fit photometry including motion
w1sigmpro_pm real mag W1 flux uncertainty in mag units from profile-fit photometry including motion
w1rchi2_pm real -- Reduced chi^2 of the W1 profile-fit photometry measurement including motion est
w2mpro_pm real mag W2 magnitude from profile-fit photometry including motion
w2sigmpro_pm real mag W2 flux uncertainty in mag units from profile-fit photometry including motion
w2rchi2_pm real -- Reduced chi^2 of the W2 profile-fit photometry measurement including motion est
rchi2_pm real -- Combined Reduced chi^2 in all bands for the psf photometry includes src motion
pmcode char - Motion estimate quality code: the format is ABCCC, where A is the number of components in the passive blend group (including the primary) before any are removed or added, B is "Y" or "N" to indicate "Yes" or "No" that a secondary blend component replaced the primary, and CCC is the distance in hundredths of an arcsec between the PM position solution for the mean observation epoch and the stationary solution
nIters_pm int - number of chi-square minimization iterations
nSteps_pm int - number of steps in all iterations
dist_ad real arcsec radial distance between source positions in ascending and descending scans
dw1mag real mag difference in w1mpro between ascending and descending scans
rch2w1 real - chi-square for dw1mag (1 degree of freedom)
dw2mag real mag difference in w2mpro between ascending and descending scans
rch2w2 real - chi-square for dw2mag (1 degree of freedom)
elon_avg double deg average ecliptic longitude
elonSig real arcsec uncertainty in elon_avg
elat_avg double deg average ecliptic latitude
elatSig real arcsec uncertainty in elat_avg
Delon real arcsec descending scan - ascending scan ecliptic longitude difference (notes)
DelonSig real arcsec one-sigma uncertainty in Delon
Delat real arcsec descending scan - ascending scan ecliptic longitude difference
DelatSig real arcsec one-sigma uncertainty in Delat
DelonSNR real - abs(Delon)/DelonSig
DelatSNR real - abs(Delat)/DelatSig
chi2pmra real - chi-square for PMRA difference (1 degree of freedom)
chi2pmdec real - chi-square for PMDec difference (1 degree of freedom)
ka int - astrometry usage code:
0neither the ascending nor the descending scan provided a solution
1only the ascending scan provided a solution
2only the descending scan provided a solution
3both scans provided solutions which were combined in the relevant way
k1 int - W1 photometry usage code:
0neither the ascending nor the descending scan provided a solution
1only the ascending scan provided a solution
2only the descending scan provided a solution
3both scans provided solutions which were combined in the relevant way
k2 int - W2 photometry usage code:
0neither the ascending nor the descending scan provided a solution
1only the ascending scan provided a solution
2only the descending scan provided a solution
3both scans provided solutions which were combined in the relevant way
km int - proper motion usage code:
0neither the ascending nor the descending scan provided a solution
1only the ascending scan provided a solution
2only the descending scan provided a solution
3both scans provided solutions which were combined in the relevant way
par_pm real arcsec parallax from PM desc-asce elon (notes)
par_pmSig real arcsec one-sigma uncertainty in par_pm
par_stat real arcsec parallax estimate from stationary solution (notes)
par_sigma real arcsec one-sigma uncertainty in par_stat
dist_cc double arcsec distance between CatWISE and AllWISE source
cc_flags char worst case 4 character cc_flag from AllWISE (See Table A1 in Eisenhardt et al. (2020))
w1cc_map int worst case w1cc_map from AllWISE (See Table A1 in Eisenhardt et al. (2020))
w1cc_map_str char worst case w1cc_map_str from AllWISE (See Table A1 in Eisenhardt et al. (2020))
w2cc_map int worst case w2cc_map from AllWISE (See Table A1 in Eisenhardt et al. (2020))
w2cc_map_str char worst case w2cc_map_str from AllWISE (See Table A1 in Eisenhardt et al. (2020))
n_aw int number of sources within 2.75" in AllWISE
ab_flags char unWISE artifact bitmask contamination flags
w1ab_map int unWISE artifact bitmask contamination map for W1
w1ab_map_str char unWISE artifact bitmask contamination string for W1
w2ab_map int unWISE artifact bitmask contamination map for W2
w2ab_map_str char unWISE artifact bitmask contamination string for W2
glon double deg Galactic longitude (only present in CatWISE 2020)
glat double deg Galactic latitude (only present in CatWISE 2020)
elon double deg Ecliptic longitude
elat double deg Ecliptic latitude
unwise_objid char UnWISE Object ID (only present in CatWISE 2020)
P int - Flag to indicate if source measurement is from primary tile (only present in Reject Tables)

Standard aperture measurement quality flag: This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise ususable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag value is the integer sum of any of following values which correspond to different conditions.

0nominal -- no contamination
1source confusion -- another source falls within the measurement aperture
2bad or fatal pixels: presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture (bit 2 or 18 set)
4non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
8corruption -- all pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative; in the former case, the aperture magnitude is NULL; in the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
16saturation -- here are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
32upper limit -- the magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit

Notes about Delon, par_pm, and par_stat:

  1. Delon is defined as (descending ecliptic longitude - ascending ecliptic longitude)cos(ecliptic latitude) - (bias term) in order to have the proper sign for parallax, which is approximately Delon/2.
  2. The bias term is 0.045 arcsec for CatWISE2020 and 0.090 arcsec for the Preliminary Catalog, and is also applied when calculating par_pm and par_stat. The bias term corrects for residual PSF errors that manifest themselves in ascending-descending differences.
  3. Delon ignores the different effective observation epochs of ascending and descending scans. The par_pm column is computed by first using the motion estimate to translate the motion-solution positions to the standard epoch (MJD 57170 for CatWISE2020 and MJD 56700 for the Preliminary Catalog). The two ecliptic longitudes are then subtracted, the bias term is applied, and the result is divided by 2 to estimate the parallax. The par_stat column is computed by using the motion estimate to move the ascending stationary-solution position from the ascending effective observation epoch to that of the descending solution, then dividing the bias-corrected ecliptic longitude difference by 2.
  4. Delon will be null unless ka = 3; par_pm will be null unless km = 3; par_stat will be null unless ka = 3 AND km > 0 AND all W?mJDmin/max/mean values are non-null in both ascending and descending solutions.