Roman HLSS Galaxy Mock Catalog ((Zhai et al. 2021) This is the data file for the Roman galaxy redshift survey mock catalog, produced by semi-analytical model --- Galacticus. This catalog was trimed from the whole simulation with only a few crucial columns and cut on emission line flux and H magnitude: max(Halpha, [OIII])>5e-18 erg/s/cm^2: emission line flux is dust-free AND H-band<25: dust model with Av=1.6523 The input merger trees of dark matter halos are from one of the N-body simulations --- UNIT ( The galaxy mock is split into 10 smaller subsamples. The details and formats are given below (NOTE: all lower-case names in parentheses added by IRSA 12/6/24): Column 0: RA (ra) Column 1: DEC (dec) Column 2: redshift_cosmological (redshift_cosmological) redshift in real space Column 3: redshift_observed (redshift_observed) redshift in redshift space (perturbed by velocity) Column 4: velocity (velocity) velocity along the line-of-sight, in unit of km/s Column 5: stellar mass (stellar_mass) stellar mass, in unit of M_sun Column 6: SFR (sfr) star formation rate, in unit of M_sun/Gyr Column 7: halo mass (halo_mass) Host Halo mass, in unit of M_sun/h; for centrals: it is the halo mass; for satellites: it is the host halo mass, not the subhalo mass. column 8: flux_Halpha6563 (flux_halpha6563) flux of Halpha emission line, in unit of erg/s/cm^2 column 9: flux_OIII5007 (flux_oiii5007) flux of OIII 5007 emission line, in unit of erg/s/cm^2 column 10: M_F158_Av1.6523 (m_f158_av1_6523) H-band magnitude column 11: nodeIsIsolated (nodeisisolated) flag for central/satellite: 1 for central; 0 for satellite --------------------------------- The broad band magnitude is dust attenuated; the emission line flux/luminosity is dust free The distance and RSD (Kaiser) are calculated using the Planck 2016 cosmology (consistent with UNIT simulation) which can be called by astropy: from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=67.74, Om0=0.3089) A little bit on the dust model: The calibration of dust model is presented in We choose Calzetti dust model with parameter Av=1.6523 to match the WISP number counts for Halpha; Av=1.9156 to match the Halpha LF from HiZELS. The catalog in this mock adopts Av=1.6523 for emission lines and broad band. In order to get dust attenuated emission line luminosity/flux, just multiply the intrinsic luminosity (column 8 through column 9) by the following constants: Av: 1.6523 Halpha6563: 0.28685 Av: 1.6523 OIII5007: 0.18706 Av: 1.9156 Halpha6563: 0.23509 Av: 1.9156 OIII5007: 0.14321