Data Access

Knowledgebase: SPICE

SPICE Application

When launching the application, you may get an error message along the lines of the following:
You do not have permission to open the application. Contact your computer or network administrator for assistance.

Spot is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash

Mac OS tightens the security control over applications that are not from Mac App Store and identified developers. This includes SPICE. To make it run, you need to change the 'Security & Privacy' setting.
  1. Open a terminal; Enter the command: sudo spctl --master-disable; Hit return and authenticate with an admin password.
  2. Open System Preferences
  3. Click on 'Security & Privacy'
  4. Login by clicking the lock icon
  5. Choose 'Anywhere' under the title 'Allow applications downloaded from'
  6. Close the System Preferences dialog
  7. Start Spot by double clicking on Spot icon
See http://osxdaily.com/2016/09/27/allow-apps-from-anywhere-macos-gatekeeper for more details.

I am trying to run SPICE in batch mode, but keep encountering the error "Failed during validation". What is going on?

You may encounter the error "Failed during validation" if you have spaces in the path to your input files. To avoid this problem, you can:

- remove the space from your path


- identify a directory with no spaces, and create a symbolic link to your data directory.

In Mac OSX, the SPICE GUI crashes when entering an input, uncertainty or mask image: the whole window disappears. How do I fix it?

Open the "Java Preferences" application, found in Applications > Utilities > Java, and switch to Java 1.5 32-bit.

If this doesn't work, then close SPICE and open a Terminal window. Issue the following commands.

cd /Applications/spice/spice.app/Contents/Resources/Java

mv quaqua-filechooser-only.jar quaqua-filechooser-only.jar.old