Data Access

PTF Known Bugs and Issues

Software version released: December 2016.

This list last updated: March 2016

Table of Contents

Reporting Bugs
Suggested Browsers
Known Major Bugs
Known Minor Bugs

Reporting Bugs

The known bugs and issues in this version of the PTF service are listed here. If you think you have found a bug, before reporting it, please check this list, and read the online PTF help. It may be a "feature" we already know about.

If you have found a real bug then please do let us know by sending email to the Help Desk. Please include your operating system version and your browser software and version.

Suggested Browsers and Platforms

Older browser versions than these may work, but we may not be able to support bug fixes for them. We make no guarantees for anything on Solaris. Currently, the only Windows browser known to work is Firefox for Windows.

Known Major Bugs


Known Minor Bugs

  1. Regions files saved from long catalogs do not include all the sources. 500 is the maximum number of regions that can be saved.

    Workaround: Overlay catalogs of less than 500 objects, or filter down the catalog.

    Posted: 30 August 2017

  2. Tables sometimes vanish
  3. Under certain circumstances (seen on two different laptops running different browsers and different Mac OS but both using an external mouse), apparently the computer and/or browser doesn't always relay all the mouse actions. As such, the table view (of catalogs or search results) sometimes inexplibly vanishes.

    Workaround: Click on another tab, and then go back to your catalog tab. This forces the browser to redraw it.

    Posted: 4 March 2014

  4. VO catalog results not displayed
  5. For VO catalog searches, the tool retrieves the catalog but is unable to display it.

    Workaround: Download the catalog yourself from another VO access point (see here) and upload it searpately to the tool.

    Posted: March 23, 2016

  6. Table column resizing
  7. Under certain circumstances, when grabbing the boundary of a table column to resize it, the initial click of the click-and-drag is registered, but the "letting go" of the click to reposition the boundary is not handled correctly, and you can't regain control of regular mouse use easily. This may or may not be related to the minor bug above re: vanishing tables.

    Workaround: Click on another part of the browser screen, and then you should regain control of your mouse clicks.

    Posted: 4 March 2014

Known Idiosyncracies

'Lost' Downloads

Depending on how your browser is configured, when you download data, your browser may save it in a counter-intuitive place. Under Safari (on the Mac), for small downloads, it might not appear to have done anything at all. It actually has; it's trying to be helpful by doing it quickly. To find where your browser has put your data, (a) search on your local disk for recently modified files; (b) look in the preferences for the browser configuration option of where to put downloaded files; or (c) look for a directory called "Downloads" or something similar.

Posted: 4 March 2014

Strange behavior when requesting catalogs

Our catalog search options depend on other services, often other IRSA services, to search and display the catalogs. Sometimes these other services are down for maintenance or may be experiencing unusually heavy loads. On those occasions, the user may get an "Unresponsive script" error or a "Call failed on the server" error. Please do let us know if you continue to get these errors; we may not be aware of an overloaded or down server.

Posted: 4 March 2014

Slow behavior when requesting large tables

When rendering long tables, the table can take several seconds to finish loading. For example, if you conduct a search returning 10000 entries, and change the page size from 50 to 2000, the browser will struggle for a few seconds trying to load the table. A red message appears to let you know that that is what is going on.

Posted: 4 March 2014