2MASS 6-Degree Mosaic Image Metadata Table
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Associated Data Products
This catalog contains metadata for 2MASS 6-Degree Mosaic frames. Each row in the catalog consists of metadata for a single frame, and is uniquely identified by the filter and seqnum columns. A complete listing of available columns can be accessed by clicking the link above.
Metadata queries can be issued at the following URL:
For example, <root>/search/twomass/mosaic/sixdeg?POS=0,0 returns metadata for images containing (RA,Dec) = (0, 0). Query parameters are documented here.
Generating URLs for data products
2MASS 6-Degree Mosaic data product URLs are built using the values of the filter and seqnum columns.
- Primary 6-Degree Mosaic FITS Images
These are located at:
- <root>/data/twomass/mosaic/sixdeg/h/00345/mosaic_6deg_h00345_1asec.fits
- <root>/data/twomass/mosaic/sixdeg/k/01274/mosaic_6deg_k01274_1asec.fits
By appending center and size parameters (e.g. <root>/data/twomass/mosaic/sixdeg/h/00345/mosaic_6deg_h00345_1asec.fits?center=298.02,-41.01&size=200pix), one can also download cutouts (see the detailed documentation).
Python code to build a URL:
params = { 'filter': 'h', 'seqnum': 00317 } path = str.format( '{filter:1s}/{seqnum:05d}/mosaic_6deg_{filter:1s}{seqnum:05d}_1asec.fits', **params) url = 'serverroot/data/twomass/mosaic/sixdeg/' + path
C code to build a URL:
char url[256]; const char *filter = "h"; const char *server = "serverroot"; int seqnum = 317; snprintf( url, sizeof(url), "%s/data/twomass/mosaic/sixdeg/%s/%05d/mosaic_6deg_%s%05d_1asec.fits", server, filter, seqnum, filter, seqnum );
Java code to build a URL:
String filter = "h"; String server = "serverroot"; int seqnum = 317; String url = String.format( "%1$s/data/twomass/mosaic/sixdeg/%2$s/%3$05d/mosaic_6deg_%2$s%3$05d_1asec.fits", server, filter, seqnum );
- Reduced Resolution 6-Degree Mosaic FITS Images
These are located at:
- <root>/data/twomass/mosaic/sixdeg/h/00345/mosaic_6deg_h00345_6asec.fits
- <root>/data/twomass/mosaic/sixdeg/k/01274/mosaic_6deg_k01274_6asec.fits
A trivial change to the format string in the sample code snippets above suffices to generate these URLs.