Data Access

NEOWISER Year 11 L1b Image Metadata Table

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Associated Data Products


This catalog contains metadata for NEOWISER Level 1b frames. Each row in the catalog consists of metadata for a single frame, and is uniquely identified by the scan_id, frame_num, and band columns. A complete listing of available columns can be accessed by clicking the link above.

Metadata queries can be issued at the following URL:


For example, /ibe/search/wise/neowiser_yr11/yr11_i1bm_frm?POS=47.9485,-51.4943 returns metadata for images containing (RA,Dec) = (47.9485, -51.4943). Query parameters are documented here.

Generating URLs for data products

NEOWISER Year 11 Level 1b data product URLs are built using the values of the scangrp, scan_id, frame_num, and band columns. Note that the last 2 characters of a scan_id yields the corresponding scangrp, so the latter column is not strictly necessary when building URLs.

Note: MD5 checksums for all data products are stored. Checksum URLs are obtained by simply appending ".md5" to the data product URL.

Intensity FITS images

These are located at:



By appending center and size parameters (e.g /ibe/data/wise/neowiser_yr11/yr11_i1bm_frm/1r/01111r/037/01111r037-w1-int-1b.fits?center=47.9485,-51.4943&size=200pix), one can also download cutouts (see the detailed documentation).

Python code to build a URL:

  1. params = { 'scan_id': '01111r',
  2.            'frame_num': 37,
  3.            'band': 1,
  4.          }
  5. params['scangrp'] = params['scan_id'][-2:]
  6. path = str.format(
  7.     '{scangrp:s}/{scan_id:s}/{frame_num:03d}/{scan_id:s}{frame_num:03d}-w{band:1d}-int-1b.fits',
  8.     **params)
  9. url = 'https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/ibe/data/wise/neowiser_yr11/yr11_i1bm_frm/' + path

C code to build a URL:

  1. char url[256];
  2. const char *scan_id = "01111r";
  3. const char *server = "https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/ibe";
  4. int frame_num = 37;
  5. int band = 1;
  6. snprintf(url, sizeof(url),
  7.          "%s/data/wise/neowiser_yr11/yr11_i1bm_frm/%s/%s/%03d/%s%03d-w%1d-int-1b.fits",
  8.          server, scan_id + (strlen(scan_id) - 2), scan_id, frame_num,
  9.          scan_id, frame_num, band);

Java code to build a URL:

  1. String scan_id = "01111r";
  2. String server = "https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/ibe";
  3. int frame_num = 37;
  4. int band = 1;
  5. String url = String.format("%1$s/data/wise/neowiser_yr11/yr11_i1bm_frm/%2$s/%3$s/%4$03d/%3$s%4$03d-w%5$1d-int-1b.fits",
  6.                            server, scan_id.substring(scan_id.length() - 2), scan_id, frame_num, band);
Uncertainty FITS images

These are located at:



Append center and size parameters to these URLs to download a cutout instead of a full image (see the cutouts documentation).

A trivial change to the format string in the sample code snippets above suffices to generate these URLs.

Mask FITS images

These are located at:



Append center and size parameters to these URLs to download a cutout instead of a full image (see the cutouts documentation).

A trivial change to the format string in the sample code snippets above suffices to generate these URLs.

Positions of spurious sources from diffraction spikes

These are stored in IPAC ASCII table files containing 2 columns: ra and dec, the J2000 right ascensions and declinations of NEOWISER Level 1b sources believed to be spurious detections from diffraction spikes. If there are no such sources for a frame, then no position table is stored and visiting the URL generated according to the recipe below will return a 404 Not Found HTTP response. The tables are located at:



A trivial change to the format string in the sample code snippets above suffices to generate these URLs.

Positions of spurious sources from optical ghosts

These are stored in IPAC ASCII table files containing 2 columns: ra and dec, the J2000 right ascensions and declinations of NEOWISER Level 1b sources believed to be spurious detections from optical ghosts. If there are no such sources for a frame, then no position table is stored and visiting the URL generated according to the recipe below will return a 404 Not Found HTTP response. The tables are located at:



A trivial change to the format string in the sample code snippets above suffices to generate these URLs.

Positions of spurious sources from latents

These are stored in IPAC ASCII table files containing 2 columns: ra and dec, the J2000 right ascensions and declinations of NEOWISER Level 1b sources believed to be spurious detections from latents. If there are no such sources for a frame, then no position table is stored and visiting the URL generated according to the recipe below will return a 404 Not Found HTTP response. The tables are located at:



A trivial change to the format string in the sample code snippets above suffices to generate these URLs.

Positions of spurious sources from halos

These are stored in IPAC ASCII table files containing 2 columns: ra and dec, the J2000 right ascensions and declinations of NEOWISER Level 1b sources believed to be spurious detections from halos. If there are no such sources for a frame, then no position table is stored and visiting the URL generated according to the recipe below will return a 404 Not Found HTTP response. The tables are located at:



A trivial change to the format string in the sample code snippets above suffices to generate these URLs.