NEOWISER Year 7 L1b Image Metadata Table
Quick Links
Associated Data Products
- Intensity FITS images
- Uncertainty FITS images
- Mask FITS images
- Positions of spurious sources from diffraction spikes
- Positions of spurious sources from optical ghosts
- Positions of spurious sources from latents
- Positions of spurious sources from halos
This catalog contains metadata for NEOWISER Level 1b frames. Each row in the catalog consists of metadata for a single frame, and is uniquely identified by the scan_id, frame_num, and band columns. A complete listing of available columns can be accessed by clicking the link above.
Metadata queries can be issued at the following URL:
For example, /ibe/search/wise/neowiser_yr7/yr7_i1bm_frm?POS=47.9485,-51.4943 returns metadata for images containing (RA,Dec) = (47.9485, -51.4943). Query parameters are documented here.
Generating URLs for data products
NEOWISER Year 7 Level 1b data product URLs are built using the values of the scangrp, scan_id, frame_num, and band columns. Note that the last 2 characters of a scan_id yields the corresponding scangrp, so the latter column is not strictly necessary when building URLs.
Note: MD5 checksums for all data products are stored. Checksum URLs are obtained by simply appending ".md5" to the data product URL.
- Intensity FITS images
These are located at:{scangrp:s}/{scan_id:s}/{frame_num:03d}/{scan_id:s}{frame_num:03d}-w{band:1d}-int-1b.fitsExample:
By appending center and size parameters (e.g /ibe/data/wise/neowiser_yr7/yr7_i1bm_frm/1r/01111r/037/01111r037-w1-int-1b.fits?center=47.9485,-51.4943&size=200pix), one can also download cutouts (see the detailed documentation).
Python code to build a URL:
- params = { 'scan_id': '01111r',
- 'frame_num': 37,
- 'band': 1,
- }
- params['scangrp'] = params['scan_id'][-2:]
- path = str.format(
- '{scangrp:s}/{scan_id:s}/{frame_num:03d}/{scan_id:s}{frame_num:03d}-w{band:1d}-int-1b.fits',
- **params)
- url = '' + path
C code to build a URL:
- char url[256];
- const char *scan_id = "01111r";
- const char *server = "";
- int frame_num = 37;
- int band = 1;
- snprintf(url, sizeof(url),
- "%s/data/wise/neowiser_yr7/yr7_i1bm_frm/%s/%s/%03d/%s%03d-w%1d-int-1b.fits",
- server, scan_id + (strlen(scan_id) - 2), scan_id, frame_num,
- scan_id, frame_num, band);
Java code to build a URL:
- String scan_id = "01111r";
- String server = "";
- int frame_num = 37;
- int band = 1;
- String url = String.format("%1$s/data/wise/neowiser_yr7/yr7_i1bm_frm/%2$s/%3$s/%4$03d/%3$s%4$03d-w%5$1d-int-1b.fits",
- server, scan_id.substring(scan_id.length() - 2), scan_id, frame_num, band);
- params = { 'scan_id': '01111r',
- Uncertainty FITS images
These are located at:{scangrp:s}/{scan_id:s}/{frame_num:03d}/{scan_id:s}{frame_num:03d}-w{band:1d}-unc-1b.fits.gzExample:
Append center and size parameters to these URLs to download a cutout instead of a full image (see the cutouts documentation).
A trivial change to the format string in the sample code snippets above suffices to generate these URLs.
- Mask FITS images
These are located at:{scangrp:s}/{scan_id:s}/{frame_num:03d}/{scan_id:s}{frame_num:03d}-w{band:1d}-msk-1b.fits.gzExample:
Append center and size parameters to these URLs to download a cutout instead of a full image (see the cutouts documentation).
A trivial change to the format string in the sample code snippets above suffices to generate these URLs.
- Positions of spurious sources from diffraction spikes
These are stored in IPAC ASCII table files containing 2 columns: ra and dec, the J2000 right ascensions and declinations of NEOWISER Level 1b sources believed to be spurious detections from diffraction spikes. If there are no such sources for a frame, then no position table is stored and visiting the URL generated according to the recipe below will return a 404 Not Found HTTP response. The tables are located at:{scangrp:s}/{scan_id:s}/{frame_num:03d}/{scan_id:s}{frame_num:03d}-art-w{band:1d}-D.tblExample:
A trivial change to the format string in the sample code snippets above suffices to generate these URLs.
- Positions of spurious sources from optical ghosts
These are stored in IPAC ASCII table files containing 2 columns: ra and dec, the J2000 right ascensions and declinations of NEOWISER Level 1b sources believed to be spurious detections from optical ghosts. If there are no such sources for a frame, then no position table is stored and visiting the URL generated according to the recipe below will return a 404 Not Found HTTP response. The tables are located at:{scangrp:s}/{scan_id:s}/{frame_num:03d}/{scan_id:s}{frame_num:03d}-art-w{band:1d}-O.tblExample:
A trivial change to the format string in the sample code snippets above suffices to generate these URLs.
- Positions of spurious sources from latents
These are stored in IPAC ASCII table files containing 2 columns: ra and dec, the J2000 right ascensions and declinations of NEOWISER Level 1b sources believed to be spurious detections from latents. If there are no such sources for a frame, then no position table is stored and visiting the URL generated according to the recipe below will return a 404 Not Found HTTP response. The tables are located at:{scangrp:s}/{scan_id:s}/{frame_num:03d}/{scan_id:s}{frame_num:03d}-art-w{band:1d}-P.tblExample:
A trivial change to the format string in the sample code snippets above suffices to generate these URLs.
- Positions of spurious sources from halos
These are stored in IPAC ASCII table files containing 2 columns: ra and dec, the J2000 right ascensions and declinations of NEOWISER Level 1b sources believed to be spurious detections from halos. If there are no such sources for a frame, then no position table is stored and visiting the URL generated according to the recipe below will return a 404 Not Found HTTP response. The tables are located at:{scangrp:s}/{scan_id:s}/{frame_num:03d}/{scan_id:s}{frame_num:03d}-art-w{band:1d}-H.tblExamples:
A trivial change to the format string in the sample code snippets above suffices to generate these URLs.