Science with IRSA
Does your research use IRSA services? If so, please send us a reference to your work. We would also appreciate the inclusion of the following acknowledgement in your paper:
"This research has made use of the NASA/ IPAC Infrared Science Archive, which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration."
Research using IRSA services
- Discovery of Reflection Nebulosity Around Five Vega-like Stars
(Nov 2002; Kalas, P.; Graham, J.; Beckwith, S.; Jewitt, D; Lloyd, J.) - Type Classification of 255 MISAO Project New Variable Stars
(June 2002; Yoshida, S; Greaves, J.) - Comparing Large Aperture Fluxes to 2MASS XSC Fluxes
(May 2002; Levenson, L.R.; Wright, E.L.) - Large scale ionization of the Radio Arc region by the Quintuplet and the Arches clusters
(May 2001; Rodríguez-Fernández, N.J.;Martín-Pintado, J.; de Vicente, P.) - Models for Multiband Infrared Surveys
(Feb 2001; Xu, C.; Lonsdale, C.J.; Shupe, D.L.; O'Linger, J.; Masci, F.) - Meeting the Cool Neighbors III: Spectroscopy of Northern NLTT
(Cruzl, K.L.) - Hubble Telescope Imaging of the Circumnuclear Environments of the CfA Seyfert Galaxies: Nuclear Spirals and Fueling
(Pogge, R.W.; Martini, P.)
Articles about the Infrared Science Archive
- The Heavens in 10 Terabytes
NPACI's article on the 2MASS Batch Image Server - Advanced Architecture for the Infrared Science Archive
(2002; Berriman, G.B.; Chiu, N.-M.; Good, J.; Handley, T.; Johnson, A.; Kong, M.; Monkewitz, S.; Norton, S.W.; Zhang, A.) - OASIS: Enabling Bulk Data Analysis
(Dec 2001; Berriman, G.B.; Kong, M.; Good, J.C.; Lonsdale, C.J.; Voges, W.; Henry, T.J.; Bean, J.L.; Blackwell, J.) - Data Information Services at the Infrared Science Archive
(2001; Good, J.; Kong, M.; Berriman, G.B.; Chiu, N.-M.; Handley, T.; Johnson, A.; Lee, W.-P.; Ma, J. - Embedded Astrophysics Query Support Using Informix Datablades
(2001; Zhang, A.; Handley, T.) - The Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) at IPAC: Moving Towards the NVO
(Dec 2000; Berriman, G.B.; Good, J.C.; Lonsdale, C.J.)