Data Access
X.B.4 Meaning of the Source Association Fields

IRAS Explanatory Supplement
X. The Formats of the IRAS Catalogs and Atlases
B. Point Sources
B.4 Meaning of the Source Association Fields

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Table X.B.4 Meaning of the Source Association Fields
CatalogField and Meaning*
1 GCVSTypeBlank
Field1 =Code gives meaning for Fields 2-3
if Field1= 1Field2 and Field3 are B mag [decimag] at max,min
= 2Field2 and Field3 are V mag [decimag] at max,min
= 3Field2 and Field3 are photographic mag [decimag] at max,min
= 4Field2 and Field3 are estimated V mag [decimag] at max,min
= 5Field2 is 999 and Field3 is 0
2 Dearborn Obs. Type Blank
Field1 Code for Field2 (1,2)
Field2 if Field1 is 1, Field2 is red magnitude
[decimag]* if field1 is 2, field2 is 999
3 Revised AFGLTypeBlank
Field1Magnitude at 4.2 µm [decimag]
Field2Magnitude at 12 µm [decimag]
Field3Magnitude at 25 µm [decimag]
4   2-µm Sky SurveyTypeBlank
Field1K magnitude [decimag]
Field2I magnitude [decimag]
5 Globules (Wesselius)TypeBlank
Field1 999
Field2 Minimum diameter [arcsec]
Field3 Maximum diameter [arcsec]
6 RC2TypeBlank
Field1 Harvard V magnitude [decimag]
Field2 BT [decimag]
Field3 Do [arcsec]
7 Stars with em. linesTypeBlank
Field1 V magnitude [decimag]
Field2 999
Field3 0
8 Equatorial IR Cat.TypeBlank
Field1Flux density [10-16 W cm-2 µm-1] at 2.7 µm
9 UGCTypeBlank
Field1Zwicky magnitude [decimag]
Field2Minimum diameter [arcsec] in B
Field3Maximum diameter [arcsec] in B
10 MCGTypeBlank
Field2Minimum diameter [arcsec] in B
Field3Maximum diameter [arcsec] in B
11 Strasbourg Planetary NebulaeTypeBlank
Field1V magnitude of Nebula [decimag]
Field2B magnitude of Center Star [decimag]
Field3Minimum diameter of Nebula [arcsec]
12 ZwickyTypeBlank
Field1 Zwicky magnitude [decimag]
Field2 999
13 SAOTypeSpectral Type
Field1V magnitude [decimag]
Field2p g magnitude [decimag]
14 ESO/UPPSALATypeFirst 3 characters of object type
Field1B magnitude [decimag]
Field2Maximum diameter [arcsec]
Field3Minimum diameter [arcsec]
15 Bright StarsTypeSpectral Type
Field1V magnitude [decimag]
Field2B-V [centimag]
Field3U-B [centimag]
16 Suspected Var.TypeSpectral Information
Field1V magnitude at maximum [decimag]
17 Carbon StarsTypeSpectral Type (May be truncated)
Field1p g magnitude [decimag]
Field2V magnitude [decimag]
Field3I magnitude [decimag]
18 GlieseTypeSpectral Type (May be truncated)
Field1V magnitude [decimag]
Field2B-V magnitude [millimag]
Field3U-B magnitude [millimag]
19 S Stars TypeBlank
Field1p g magnitude [millimag]
Field2V magnitude [decimag]
Field3I magnitude [decimag]
20 Parkes HII Survey TypeBlank
Field2Minimum diameter [arcsec]
Field3Maximum diameter [arcsec]
21 Bonn HII Survey TypeBlank
Field1Flux density at 4.875 GHz (Jy)
Field2Diameter [arcsec]
22 Blitz TypeBlank
Field1Diameter [arcsec]
Field2Vco [Km/s]
Field3Peak TA [K]
23 OSU TypeBlank
Field3Diameter [arcsec]
24 IRC TypeC if 2.2 µm sources are possibly confused, w/good pos. blank otherwise
Field1Right ascension difference (IRC-IRAS) [deciseconds of time]
Field2Declination difference (IRC-IRAS) [seconds of time]
25 DDO TypeBlank
Field 2 999
26 Arp TypeBlank
Field 0
27 Markarian TypeBlank
28 Strong 5 GHzTypeObject type (GAL or QSO)
Field1V magnitude [decimag]
Field25 GHz flux density [deciJy]
29 Veron-VeronTypeObject classification
Field1V magnitude [decimag]
Field2Redshift × 1000
30 Zwicky 8 Lists TypeBlank
31 VVTypeBlank
Field1Special flag, (see below) 999 otherwise
* In the printed version FIELD1 is listed if present except for catalogs 2 and 19, where FIELD2 is given.

VV Catalog Flags (Catalog 31)
10VV10 has the same coordinates as VV 29 in the VV Atlas. The UGC was used to confirm that the coordinate is correct for VV 29 and erroneous for VV 10. The UGC position for VV 10 = UGC 10814 was adopted.
11The VV position is substantially different (>400") from positions for the object in other catalogs. The VV position has been assumed to be in error because two or more other catalogs agree on a different position. The UGC position has been adopted.
12 Same as for 11, but the OSU position has been adopted.
13 The position in the VV Atlas, and the position listed for the VV objest in the OSU are in disagreement. The true position has been established to be close to that of the OSU by the use of overlay transparencies on the POSS, The OSU position has been adopted.
14 Same as for 13, but the OSU position is not very good either, so a new position has been measured (accurate to about 1').

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