Data Access
X. The Formats of the IRAS Catalogs and Atlases

IRAS Explanatory Supplement
X. The Formats of the IRAS Catalogs and Atlases

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Chapter X Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Point Sources
    1. The Machine Readable Version of the Point Source Catalog
    2. The Printed Version of the Point Source Catalog
    3. The Working Survey Data Base
    4. Meaning of the Source Association Fields
    5. Known Source IDs
    6. Detector Number
    7. Bit Assignments
  3. The Small Extended Source Catalog
  4. Extended Emission
    1. Introductory Comments
    2. Map Projections and Transformation Equations
      1. Gnomonic Projection - 16.5 Degree Images
      2. Equivalent Cylindrical Projection - Galactic Plane Fields
      3. Aitoff Projection - Low-Resolution All-Sky Maps
    3. 16.5 Degree Images
      1. Prints of 16.5 Degree Images
      2. Tapes of 16.5 Degree Images
    4. Galactic Plane Maps
    5. Low-Resolution All-Sky Maps
    6. Zodiacal Observation History file
    7. Coordinate Overlays
  5. Low-Resolution Spectra
    1. Catalog Header File
    2. Spectra Records
Appendix X.1 Regions of High Source Density
Appendix X.2 Location of 16.5° Image Fields
Appendix X.3 Sample FITS Headers
Appendix X.4 Zodiacal Observation History File (ZOHF) Format


C. Beichman, T. Chester, T.N. Gautier, G. Helou, C. Oken, E. Raimond, B.T. Soifer and D. Walker.


Richardus, Peter and Ron K. Adler, 1972, Map Projections for Geodesists, Cartographers and Geographers, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam-London and American Elsevier Publishing Company, New York.
Wells, D., Greisen, and R. Harten, 1981, Astron. and Astrophys. [Suppl.], 44, 363.

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