IRAS Explanatory Supplement
X. The Formats of the IRAS Catalogs and Atlases
B. Point Sources
B.7 Bit Assignments
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Bit # | Meaning |
0-3 | Bits 0-3 denote a flux limit derived solely from saturated detections. Bit 0=12 µm, Bit 1=25 µm. |
4 | Source failed to weeks-confirm with another WSDB source in the mini-survey region. |
5 | Source resulted from weeks-confirming at least two WSDB sources in the mini-survey region. |
6 | Source failed to weeks-confirm with another WSDB entry observed within 36 hours. |
7 | Source resulted from weeks-confirmation of two separate WSDB sources observed within 36 hours of each other. |
Bit # | Meaning |
0 | false source generated by nearby bright source |
l-4 | Source satisfies single band acceptance criteria BIT 1 = 12 µm, Bit 2=25 µm, etc. |
5-7 | Source satisfies adjacent band acceptance criteria BIT 5 = 12 and 25 µm BIT 6 = 25 and 60 µm BIT 7 = 60 and 100 µm |
Bit # | Meaning |
Byte 1 | |
0 and 1 | 00=0---not processed 01=1---low quality flux 10=2---medium quality 11=3---high quality flux |
2 | Band rejected |
3 | Band accepted |
4-7 | final reason for rejection 0000=0= not rejected 0001=1= not weeks-confirmed 0010=2= bad flux status 0011=3= bad correlation coefficients 0100=4= bad confusion status 0101=5= inconsistent fluxes 0110=6= weaker neighbor 0111=7= confused neighbor 1000=8= merging problems 9-15= spare |
Byte 2 (Faults with Source) | |
0 | not weeks-confirmed |
1 | bad flux status |
2 | bad correlation coefficient |
3 | bad confusion status |
4 | inconsistent fluxes |
5 | weaker neighbor |
6 | confused neighbor |
7 | merging problems |
Bit # | Meaning |
0-3 | Discrepant Flux found
in band. BIT 0, 12 µm, BIT 1, 25 µm, etc. |
4,5 | SPARE |
6 | (X) fix (Section VII.C) |
7 | Source accepted in catalog |