Data Access
XII. Errata and Revisions as of 1987

IRAS Explanatory Supplement
XII. Errata and Revisions as of 1987

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Chapter XII Contents

  1. Version 2.0 of the Point Source Catalog
    1. The Flux Overestimation Correction
    2. Additional Flux Density Changes
    3. New and Deleted Sources
    4. Revised Completeness Estimates for Version 2.0
    5. Associations
    6. Source Names
    7. Revised Positional Uncertainties for Bright Sources
    8. Correction of Point Source Neighbor Counts
    9. Spurious 25 µm Only Sources
    10. Working Survey Data Base and Ancillary File
  2. Total Intensity Data
    1. Total Intensity Maps
    2. Version 2.0 of the Zodiacal Observation History File
  3. Low Resolution Spectrometer
  4. Other Anomalies Fixed in This Release


The second release of some portions of the IRAS data reflects a number of changes, corrections and improvements to the data. This chapter, written in late 1986-early 1987, describes changes to each of the major datasets and records a number of changes to the formats of the data which will be of importance to people using the various products. The history of the releases of the IRAS data is described in
Table XII.A.1.


T. Chester, C. Beichman and T. Conrow


Kleinmann, S.G., Cutri, R.M., Young, E.T., Low, F.J., and Gillett, F.C., 1986, Explanatory Supplement to the IRAS Serendipitous Survey Catalog
Young, E.T., Neugebauer, G., Kopan, E.L., Benson, R.D., Conrow, T.P., Rice, W.L., and Gregorich, D.T., 1985, JPL/IPAC Preprint 008.

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