Data Access
XIII. Contributors to IRAS

IRAS Explanatory Supplement
XIII. Contributors to IRAS

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Chapter XIII Contents

  1. Contributors to IRAS
    1. Telescope Development
    2. Spacecraft
    3. Integration and Test
    4. Launch
    5. Ground Operations Software
    6. Operations
    7. Data Reduction
    8. Pre-publication Catalogs
    9. Explanatory Supplement
    10. The Printed Version of the IRAS Catalogs


Many people, agencies, and companies have contributed to the success of IRAS. Those listed below were among the many who have worked on the project since its inception in 1975.

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was responsible for the design and development of the telescope. NASA also provided the launch of the satellite by Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) with a Delta 3910 Rocket at the Western Test Range and ground tracking and communication during the early weeks after launch. NASA was also responsible for the final data processing of the survey data.

The Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programs (NIVR) was responsible for the design and development of the spacecraft and the integration of the satellite. NIVR also was responsible for the ground facility and services for the operation of the satellite while in orbit.

The UK Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) carried out the design, development and operation of the real time tracking and data acquisition facility which controlled the satellite, and supported the design, development and implementation of the non real time control software and the preliminary analysis facility at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL).

The overall IRAS project management was co-chaired by Peter Linssen and Gene Giberson. A series of managers have played important roles during the lifetime of IRAS. These include: W. Bloemendal, E. K. Casani, D. Compton, R. Dalziel, J. de Koomen, W. de Leeuw, E. Dunford, T. Harmount, B. Martin, G. M. Smith, and G. Squibb.

Participating at the headquarters of the three agencies were: M. Bensimon, N. Boggess, J. Clapp, L. Dondey, B. Edelson, R. Halpern, C. Hartman, N. Hinners, J. Holtz, L. Jones, L. Kline, W. Logan, F. Martin, B. Norris, C. Pellerin, A. Stofan, D. Stoughton, and D. Wrublick (NASA); N. de Boer, E.F.F.M. Braun, D. de Hoop, A.P. Hoeke, and M. van der Matten (NIVR); and H.H. Atkinson (SERC).

A joint science team defined the overall mission and saw that the scientific requirements were fulfilled. Initially the joint team consisted of H.H. Aumann, D.A. Beintema, N. Boggess, J. Borgman, P.E. Clegg, T. de Jong, F.C. Gillett, H. J. Habing, M. G. Hauser, J. R. Houck, R. E. Jennings, F. J. Low, P. L. Marsden, G. Neugebauer, S. R. Pottasch, B. T. Soifer, R. van Duinen, and R. G. Walker. G. Neugebauer and R. van Duinen served as American and European co-chairmen of the joint team. During the course of the project, B. Baud, C. A. Beichman, J. P. Emerson, T. N. Gautier, S. Harris, G. Miley, F. M. Olnon, E. Raimond, M. Rowan-Robinson, P. R. Wesselius and E. Young joined the science team; in 1982 H. J. Habing became the European co-chairman of the joint science team.



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