Data Access
II.C.4 Focal Plane Assembly

IRAS Explanatory Supplement
II. Satellite Description
C. Telescope System Overview
C.4 Focal Plane Assembly

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Figure II.C.6 A schematic drawing of the IRAS focal plane. The numbered rectangles in the central portion each represent the field of view of a detector, filter, and field lens combination. The image of a source crossed the focal plane in the Y direction as indicated. The filled-in detectors were inoperative while the cross-hatched detectors showed degraded performance during the mission.
larger largest

The focal plane assembly contained the infrared and visible detectors, cold electronics, and associated masks, filters and field optics. It consisted of 62 infrared channels and eight visible channels. The infrared channels were divided into eight modules, two for each color band with each module containing either seven or eight detectors. Figure II.C.6 shows the layout of the focal plane and the numbers assigned to individual infrared detectors. Table II.C.3 lists the positions of the center of each detector mask relative to the boresight and the size of each mask projected through the optical system onto the sky. The detector masks were rectangular in aspect and infrared sources scanned across the focal plane parallel to the narrow dimension of the detectors in all observational modes.

Table II.C.3 Characteristics of Survey Array
Det Offset
Mask Location
arc min
Size arc min
No. (0-7)   Y4 Z5 delta-ucZ delta-ucY
100 µm Band, Module B
1 3 26.6 27.87 8.71 5.05 3.03
2 3 24.6 27.80 0.04 5.05 3.03
3 3 25.4 27.86 -8.62 5.05 3.03
4 4 24.1 23.83 12.86 4.68 3.03
5 32 26.2 24.04 4.37 5.05 3.03
6 4 25.9 23.65 -4.29 5.05 3.03
7 3 24.7 23.78 -12.77 5.05 3.03
60 µm Band, Module B
8 3 21.2 19.64 9.80 4.75 1.51
9 3 20.2 19.72 1.14 4.75 1.51
10 4 21.3 19.74 -7.53 4.75 1.51
11 3 21.1 19.70 -14.46 1.30 1.51
12 3 21.3 17.20 13.49 3.45 1.51
13 3 23.1 17.19 5.47 4.75 1.51
14 3 21.0 17.20 -3.20 4.75 1.51
15 4 21.3 17.20 -11.86 4.75 1.51
25 µm Band, Module B
16 4 12.3 14.01 8.71 4.65 0.76
173 3 11.8 14.04 0.04 4.65 0.76
18 4 11.3 14.04 -8.62 4.65 0.76
19 4 13.1 12.24 12.96 4.48 0.76
203 4 11.7 12.27 4.37 4.65 0.76
21 4 11.8 12.26 -4.29 4.65 0.76
22 4 11.9 12.27 -12.88 4.48 0.76
12 µm Band, Module B
23 4 14.2 9.47 9.81 4.45 0.76
24 4 14.8 9.46 1.14 4.45 0.76
25 4 15.5 9.47 -7.52 4.45 0.76
26 3 14.3 9.48 -14.50 1.20 0.76
27 4 14.2 7.71 13.55 3.33 0.76
28 3 15.3 7.71 5.47 4.55 0.76
29 4 13.9 7.70 -3.19 4.55 0.76
30 4 14.5 7.71 -11.86 4.55 0.76
60 µm Band, Module A
31 3 20.8 4.56 14.55 1.28 1.51
32 3 20.8 4.59 7.61 4.75 1.51
33 3 22.6 4.58 -1.06 4.75 1.51
34 3 20.8 4.59 -9.73 4.75 1.51
35 3 21.0 2.06 11.94 4.75 1.51
363 3 20.7 2.06 3.27 4.75 1.51
37 4 20.8 2.11 -5.40 4.75 1.51
38 3 18.9 2.10 -13.41 3.47 1.51
25 µm Band, Module A
39 4 15.2 -1.16 14.05 2.33 0.76
40 4 15.7 -1.16 6.55 4.65 0.76
41 3 14.7 -1.16 -2.12 4.65 0.76
42 4 16.1 -1.14 -10.78 4.65 0.76
43 3 13.9 -2.92 10.88 4.65 0.76
44 4 14.8 -2.92 2.22 4.65 0.76
45 3 15.3 -2.93 -6.45 4.65 0.76
46 3 15.4 -2.92 -13.95 2.33 0.76
12 µm Band, Module A
47 4 14.5 -5.67 14.64 1.18 0.76
48 3 14.0 -5.67 7.65 4.55 0.76
49 4 14.4 -5.67 -1.02 4.55 0.76
50 2 14.1 -5.66 -9.68 4.55 0.76
51 3 14.2 -7.42 11.98 4.55 0.76
52 3 14.3 -7.43 3.32 4.55 0.76
53 4 14.4 -7.43 -5.35 4.55 0.76
54 4 13.8 -7.42 -13.41 3.36 0.76
100 µm Band, Module A
55 4 22.9 -11.33 13.95 2.52 3.03
56 4 27.3 -11.42 6.55 5.05 3.03
57 3 26.2 -11.51 -2.12 5.05 3.03
58 4 27.6 -11.41 -10.79 5.05 3.03
59 3 26.8 -15.34 10.88 5.05 3.03
60 3 26.9 -15.49 2.21 5.05 3.03
61 4 26.8 -15.40 -6.46 5.05 3.03
62 4 26.5 -15.38 -13.85 2.53 3.03
(1) The ratios of nominal to low gain and nominal to high gain are 7.18, 0.107;
5.98, 0.109; 10.8, 0.102; and 13.4, 0.100 for the 12, 25, 60, and 100 µm channels.
(2) Offset step changed after launch to 2
(3) Channel inoperative during mission
(4) During survey scans sources move from -Y to +Y
(5) Negative Z corresponds to larger angle to the Sun (theta-lc)
Figure II.C.7 Infrared subarray module exploded view showing module components.
larger largest

Figure II.C.7 shows an exploded view of the focal plane. Infrared radiation passed through the field mask and spectral filters and was focused by the field lens onto the aperture defining the detector cavity entrance. The detector cavities were constructed of Au:Pt alloy to provide local high-Z shielding to absorb gamma-lc-rays with energies less than about 100 keV. In addition, for the 60 and 100 µm detectors, the cavities were designed as reflecting integrating cavities to increase photon absorption in the Ge:Ga material.

The visible wavelength channels were similar to the infrared wavelength channels in construction, except that they used visible light filters, no field lens, and silicon diode detectors. The visible wavelength detectors were placed in a double-"V" arrangement in order to provide two-axis spacecraft attitude information during star crossings.
Figure II.C.8 Focal plane array filter and lens components and configuration.
larger largest

Figure II.C.8 shows the focal plane filter/lens combinations and configurations for each color band and Table II.C.4 summarizes the optical characteristics of the survey array. The detailed optical system transmission, detector spectral response and overall relative spectral response for the four infrared bands are shown in Figs. II.C.9.a,b and are listed in Table II.C.5. These parameters were determined from pre-flight measurements of sample filters, field lens material and, with the exception of the 100 µm detectors, spare flight detectors. The response of the Ge:Ga detectors used at 100 µm was assumed to be the same as that of the 60 µm detectors even though the material came from a different source. Additional details of the focal plane optics can be found in Bamberg and Zuan (1984) and Darnell (1984).
Figure II.C.9 a) Response vs. wavelength of optical components. Solid lines show the transmission of filters and lenses. Dashed lines show relative detector response to constant energy input; b) Relative system spectral response.
larger largest

Table II.C.4 Survey Array Optical Characteristics
12 µm 25 µm 60 µm 100 µm
Short Wavelength
Sapphire +
ZnO powder
Sapphire +
Short Wavelength
MLIF MLIF Sapphire +
Long Wavelength
MLIF Si:Sb KRS-5 Ge:Ga
Long Wavelength
Si:Sb KRS-5 Ge:Ga
Materials Ge Si Ge Ge
MLIF MLIF lambda-lc/4
Focal length 6.53 mm 6.59 mm 6.98 mm 8.34 mm
Exit pupil diameter 1.0 mm 1.0 mm 1.0 mm 1.16 mm
Materials Si:As Si:Sb Ge:Ga Ge:Ga
size(LxW), mm 1.0 × 1.78 1.0 × 1.78 1.5 × 1.5 1.25 × 1.25
Electrode Spacing (mm) 0.64 0.71 1.0 1.25
Bandwidth (FWHM) 7.0 µm 11.15 µm 32.5 µm 31.5 µm
Average Inband Transmission 0.54 0.50 0.29 0.34
ShortWavelength < 2 × 10-5 < 5 × 10-5 < 2 × 10-4** < 9 × 10-2**
Long Wavelength < 3 × 10-6 < 2 × 10-4 < 2 × 10-4 < 5 × 10-2
* MLIF = multi-layer interference filter
** See Section II.C.4

Out-of-band leaks listed in Table II.C.4 are defined as the ratio of the integrated energy longward or shortward of the 2% relative response wavelength to the integrated inband energy. The calculations were based on illumination from a 2000 K blackbody for short wavelength leaks and a 200 K blackbody for long wavelength leaks. The tabulated limits come from tests of the final flight focal plane except for the 100 µm detectors which were changed shortly before launch. These measured limits differ from an earlier set of measurements of the individual components At 100 µm these latter tests give an out-of-band rejection less than 1.5 × 10-3 for a 2000 K source, significantly lower than the upper limit in the table. At 60 µm these component tests indicated the presence of a spectral leak between 1.6 and 7 µm that could be as large as 0.02 for a 2000 K source and 0.08 for a 10,000 K source, significantly larger than the tabulated limit. The origin of the discrepancy is not understood. A discussion of the in-flight tests of the spectral response is given in Section IV.B.2, and of the possible impact of leaks on the calibration in VI.C.

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