Data Access
IV. In-Flight Tests

IRAS Explanatory Supplement
IV. In-Flight Tests

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Chapter IV Contents

  1. Detector and Focal Plane Performance
    1. Detector Sensitivity and Responsivity
    2. Detector Reliability and Anomalies
    3. Cross-scan Response
    4. Verification of Linearity
    5. Baseline Stability
    6. Particle Radiation Effects
      1. Detector Responsivity and Noise
      2. Radiation Effects on Detector Baselines
    7. Effects of Bias Boost
    8. Photon Induced Responsivity Enhancement
    9. Feedback Resistor Nonlinearity Analysis
  2. Spectral Passband Verification
    1. Verification of the Relative Consistency
    2. Verification of the Nominal Inband/Out-of-Band Transmission
  3. Optical Performance
    1. Optical Cross Talk due to Bright Sources Crossing the Focal Plane
    2. Optical Cross Talk from Sources not directly on the Focal Plane
    3. Out-of-Field Rejection Monitoring
  4. Internal Reference Source Stability


During the mission, a number of in-flight tests were conducted to verify or understand those aspects of the performance of the instrument which could not be estimated with sufficient accuracy before the flight. These tests are described in this chapter.


H. H. Aumann, T. N. Gautier, F. C. Gillett, P. Hacking. G. Neugebauer, F. Olnon, S. Wheelock


Campbell, M. P.; Harvey, P. M.; Hoffmann, W. F.; Elias, J. H.; Neugebauer, G.; Gezari, D. Y.; Westbrook, W. E.; Hudson, H. S.; Soifer, B. T.; Werner, M. W. Ap. J. 208, 396.
Joyce, R. 1984, private communication.
Rieke, G. H., Lebofsky, M. and Low, F. J. 1984, AJ 90, 900.
Tokunaga A. 1984, A.J. 89, 172.
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