Data Access
V. Data Reduction

IRAS Explanatory Supplement
V. Data Reduction

Chapter Contents | Introduction | Authors | References
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Chapter V Contents

  1. Overview
    1. General
    2. IRAS Catalogs and Atlases
    3. Processing Summary
      1. Data Reconstruction
      2. Pointing Reconstruction
      3. Source Detection
      4. Point Source Confirmation
      5. Small Extended Source Confirmation
      6. Asteroids and Comets
      7. Extended Emission Processing
      8. Final Processing Steps
  2. Pointing Reconstruction
  3. Source Detection
    1. Square Wave Filter
    2. Noise Estimator
    3. Timing Estimate
    4. Correlation with Point Source Template
    5. Determination of Templates
    6. Low Signal-to-Noise Detections
    7. Source Shadowing
  4. Point Source Confirmation
    1. Processing Overview
    2. Overview of Seconds-Confirmation
      1. Band Seconds-Confirmation
      2. Position Reconstruction
      3. Optical Crosstalk Removal
      4. In-Band Seconds-Confirmation Decision
      5. Double-Detection Mode
      6. Triple-Detection Mode (Edge Detections)
      7. In-Band Seconds-Confirmation Confusion Processing
      8. In-Band Seconds-Confirmation Position Refinement
      9. In-Band Seconds-Confirmation Photometric Refinement
      10. In-Band Seconds-Confirmation Statistical Processing
    3. Band-Merging
      1. Overview of Band-Merging
      2. Band Filling
      3. Special Considerations Regarding Band-Merging
      4. Focal Plane Geometry Analysis
    4. Known Source Correlation
      1. Known Source Prediction
      2. Correlation of Observations With Predictions
      3. Known Source Flux and Position Discrepancy Analysis
    5. Overview of Hours-Confirmation
      1. Hours-Confirmation Decision
      2. Position Agreement
      3. Photometric Agreement
      4. Hours-Confirmation Confusion Processing
      5. Hours-Confirmation Position and Photometric Refinement
      6. Hours-Confirmation Statistical Processing
      7. Special Considerations Regarding Hours-Confirmation
    6. Overview of Weeks-Confirmation
      1. Weeks-Confirmation Decision
      2. Weeks-Confirmation Position Refinement
      3. Weeks-Confirmation Statistical Processing
    7. Auxiliary Processing for Low Resolution Spectra
    8. Flux and Confusion Status Words
    9. Conversion of Position Uncertainties to Gaussian Approximation
  5. Overview of Small Extended Source Data Processing
    1. Potential Detections
    2. Seconds-Confirmation
    3. Source Construction and Hours-Confirmation
    4. Cluster Analysis Processing
    5. Weeks-Confirmation
    6. Band-Merging
    7. Optimizing the Processor
      1. Choosing the Clustering Threshold
      2. Choosing the Weeks-Confirmation Threshold
      3. Choosing the Band-Merging Threshold
      4. Summary and Discussion
    8. The Small Extended Source Catalog
  6. Asteroids and Comets
  7. Extended Source Products
    1. Processing Overview
    2. Quality Checking, Selection, and Weights
    3. Phasing, Sorting, and Gaps
    4. Conversion to Surface Brightness
    5. Compression and the Time-Ordered Files
    6. Destriping
    7. Projection into Sky Maps
    8. Consistency Checking and Removal of Bad Data
    9. Final Image Generation
  8. The Point Source Catalog
    1. Processing Overview
    2. Clean-Up Processing
    3. Neighbor Tagging
    4. Cirrus Flagging
    5. Average Flux Computation and Variability Analysis
    6. High Source Density Regions
    7. Catalog Source Selection
    8. Low-Resolution Spectral Associations
    9. Associations


This chapter describes the transformation of the raw data into its final forms. Section V.A provides a general overview of the data reduction, while subsequent sections provide a more detailed description. The relative and absolute calibration of the data is discussed separately in Chapter VI. The results of the analysis of the data processing are given in Chapter VII. An overall description of the survey, including sky coverage, completeness and reliability, is given in Chapter VIII.


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