Data Access
V.E.8 The Small Extended Source Catalog

IRAS Explanatory Supplement
V. Data Reduction
E. Overview of Small Extended Source Data Processing
E.8 The Small Extended Source Catalog

Chapter Contents | Introduction | Authors | References
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Sources included in the small extended source catalog were obtained from the pool of weeks-confined and had to survive additional filtering to reject spurious sources due to crosstalk and point sources (Section V.H.1).

Processing Results in Region A (High Galactic Latitude)
Table V.E.1a
Band Number of Seconds/Hours Confirmed Number Surviving Cluster Processing Number of Weeks-
12 µm 2593 2507 88 74 13 1
25 µm 3339 3249 101 70 31 0
60 µm 2170 1989 196 147 45 4
100 µm 1753 1249 209 174 30 5

Processing Results in Region B (Galactic Plane)
Table V.E.1b

Band Number of Seconds/Hours Confirmed Number Serviving Cluster Processing Number of Weeks-
12 µm 5095 2212 350 274 70 6
25 µm 4988 2206 364 261 95 8
60 µm 8706 2104 364 296 65 3
100 µm 4036 1687 369 273 86 10
* NCOVR(n) is the number of weeks-confirmed sources that were detected on n hours-confirming survey coverages.

Associations were made between small extended sources and objects in other astronomical catalogs, following the procedure used for the point source catalog (Section V.H.9). The only difference was that the minimum search radius for all associations was 120".

Chapter Contents | Introduction | Authors | References
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