Data Access
VII.K. Appendix

IRAS Explanatory Supplement
VII. Analysis of Processing

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Figure VII.Ap.1 The distribution of sources detected at 12 µm only (spectral combination "1000") shown in an Aitoff equal area projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.2 The distribution of sources detected at 12 and 25 µm (spectral combination "1100") shown in an Aitoff equal area projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.3 The distribution of sources detectfed at 12, 25 and 60 µm (spectral combination "1 1 1 0") shown in Aitoff equal area projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.4 The distribution of sources detected at 12, 25, 60 and 100 µm (spectral combination "1 1 1 1") shown in an Aitoff equal area projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.5 The distribution of sources detected at 25 only (spectral combination "0 1 0 0") shown in an Aitoff equal area projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.6 The distribution of sources detected at 25 and 60 µm (spectral combination "0 1 1 0") shown in an Aitoff equal area projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.7 The distribution of sources detected at 25, 60 and 100 µm (spectral combination "0 1 1 1") shown in an Aitoff equal area projection in Galactic coodinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.8 The distribution of sources detected at 60 um only (spectral combination "0 0 1 0") shown in an Aitoff equal area projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.9 The distribution of sources detected at 60 and 100 µm (spectral combination "0 0 1 1") shown in an Aitoff equal area projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.10 The distribution of sources detected at 100 µm only (spectral combination "0 0 0 1") shown in an Aitoff equal area projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.11 The distribution of sources detected at 12 and 60 µm (spectral combination "1 0 1 0" shown in an Aitoff equal area projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.12 The distribution of sources detected at 12 and 100 µm (spectral combination "1 0 0 1") shown in an Aitoff equal area projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.13 The distribution of sources detected at 12, 25 and 100 µm (spectral combination "1 1 0 1") shown in an Aitoff equal area projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.14 The distribution of sources detected at 12, 60 and 100 µm (spectral combination "1 0 1 1") shown in an Aitoff equal area projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.15 The distribution of sources detected at 25 and 100 µm (spectral combination "0 1 0 1") shown in an Aitoff equal area projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.16 The distribution on the sky of sources with a probability of variability greater than 0.9 is shown in an Aitoff equal area projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.17 The distribution of 12 µm point sources that had only a single hours-confirmed sighting (an HCON) is shown in an equal area Aitoff projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.18 The distribution of 25 µm point sources that had only a single hours-confirmed sighting (an HCON) is shown in an equal area Aitoff projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.19 The distribution of 60 µm point sources that had only a single hours-confirmed sighting (an HCON) is shown an equal area Aitoff projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.20 The distribution of 100 µm point sources that had only a single hours-confirmed sighting (an HCON) is shown in an equal area Aitoff projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap2.21 The distribution of point sources that were tagged as having four or more nearby, hours-confirmed smalll extended sources detected at 100 µm (SES1 4), and therefore likely to be corrupted by the infrared cirrus, is shown in an equal area Aitoff projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.22 The distribution of sources that were tagged as having one or more nearby, weeks-confirmed small extended sources (SES1 > 0) is shown in an equal area Aitoff projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.23 The distribution of sources that were tagged as having between four and eight nearby, hours-confirmed point sources detected only at 100 µm, (8>CIRR1>4), and therefore likely to be contaminated by the infrared cirrus, is shown in an equal area Aitoff projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest
Figure VII.Ap.24 The distribution of sources that were tagged as having the cirrus flag CIRR2 in the range 5-9, and therefore likely to be contaminated by the infrared cirrus, is shown in an equal area Aitoff projection in Galactic coordinates.
larger largest

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