Data Access
VII. Analysis of Processing

IRAS Explanatory Supplement
VII. Analysis of Processing

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Chapter VII Contents

  1. Overview
  2. General Statistics of the Point Source Processing and Catalog
    1. The Generation of Reliable Point Sources
    2. Distribution of Sources in the Catalog
  3. Positional Accuracy
    1. Positional Accuracy of Catalog Sources
      1. Accuracy of Absolute Positions
      2. The Quoted Position Uncertainties
    2. Accuaracy of Scan-by-Scan Pointing Reconstruction
  4. Photometric Accuracy
    1. Absolute Calibration Uncertainty Checks
    2. Relative Photometric Accuracy
      1. Relative Photometric Accuracy of HCONs
      2. The Quoted Flux Density Uncertainties
    3. Variable Sources
    4. Discrepant Fluxes
  5. Point Source Processing Considerations
    1. The Nature of Rejected Sources
      1. Single HCONs
      2. Rejected Weeks-Confirmed Sources
    2. Bright Source Problems
    3. Sources of Incompleteness
    4. Effects of Failed Detectors
    5. Setting the Seconds-Confirmation Threshold
  6. Asteroids and Comets
    1. Number Present in Catalog (Asteroid Source Density)
  7. Associations
  8. Meaning of Point Source Flags
    1. Confusion Flags
      1. Point Source Neighbors
      2. Small Extended Source Neighbors
      3. Confuse Flag
      4. Summary
    2. Cirrus Flags
  9. The Small Extended Source Catalog
  10. Extended Source Products
    1. Zodiacal Emission Effects
    2. Effective Resolution
    3. Tests of Extended Source Calibration Consistency
  11. Appendix


C. Beichman, T. Chester, R. Benson, T. Conrow, J. Fowler, T.N. Gautier, F. Gillett, G. Helou, J. Houck, H. McCallon, G. Neugebauer, B.T. Soifer, and R. Walker.


Dressel, L.L. and Condon, J.J. 1976, Ap.J. [Suppl.], 31, 187
Rieke, G., Lebofsky, M. and Low, F.J. 1984, preprint.
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog 1966, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Tokunaga A., 1984, A.J., 89, 172.

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