IPAC provides:

  • Access for the astronomical community to the IRAS data. Data from the following processors are available, as noted:
    • Scan coaddition (one-dimensional or line coaddition) using SCANPI (the SCAN Processing and Intergration tool) and SUPERSCANPI. Scan coaddition is useful for analyzing point sources and slightly extended sources.
    • Images at the native IRAS resolution using FRESCO (the Full RESolution Survey Coadder). NOTE: Not currently available.
    • Resolution-enhanced images using HIRES

    Note: If resolution is not critical, the released IRAS Sky Survey Atlas (ISSA) images, in which all four wavebands are smoothed to the resolution of the 100 µm band, may be preferable to FRESCO or HIRES.

  • Access to released IRAS and ~40 other astronomical catalogs through the IRSA Catalog Query Engine.
  • The interactive image display and analysis tool, IPAC Skyview.
  • Network and local access to the IRAS Sky Survey Atlas .
  • Support and advice to researchers doing in-depth analysis using IRAS data, via the (IRSA Help Desk).
  • Help with special data reduction unique to a specific research program.

Access to the Released IRAS Data Products

Much of the effort of IPAC in the past has been to publish the reduced IRAS data in directly usable form. You can obtain these products from the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) for use at your home institution without need to contact IPAC. Some of the major released data products currently used by the community are the Point Source Catalog (PSC), the IRAS Sky Survey Atlas (ISSA), the Low Resolution Product (aka the Zodiacal History File or ZOHF), the Pointed Observations (also called Additional Observations or AOs), and the Faint Source Catalog (FSC). A full listing of released IRAS data products is available online.

The IRAS mission in general, as well as the PSC and early data products (including the original All-Sky Images or Skyflux and the ZOHF), is documented in the IRAS Explanatory Supplement 1988. The FSC and some of the other products also have their own Explanatory Supplements.

You may obtain any released IRAS data product or Explanatory Supplement from the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC).

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