Data Access

Table Upload Restrictions for IPAC Tables

Version 1.2 5/23/13

There are some restrictions on IPAC Table Format Tables uploaded to IRSA's catalog search service ("Gator") and WISE Image Archive. The restrictions are given below. (Other IRSA services allow generic IPAC Tables, along with other table formats, see Table Upload Help.)

Table File Name Restrictions (Gator)

Table Requirements (Gator and WISE Image Archive)

You can download and edit this sample table (Red lines are not part of the table -- just for reference.)

\catalog = 'Sample Catalog'                                   Keywords (optional)
\ A sample table comment                                      Comments (optional)
|   ra      |    dec    |   n_obs  |    V     |   SpType   |  Column Names
|   double  |    double |   int    |   real   |   char     |  Data Types
|   deg     |    deg    |          |   mag    |            |  Data Units (optional)
|   null    |    null   |   null   |   null   |   null     |  Null Values (optional)
  165.466279  -34.704730      5       11.27       K6Ve        Data

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