Data Access
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Using Tables with IRSA Services

Version 1.2 5/23/13

Many IRSA services allow the option to upload a table (Table Upload or Multi-Object Search) rather than entering objects one-by-one into a web form. The input table must be a plain text ASCII file, describing the search targets or positions. Several formats are allowed, but not all services accept all formats. This page describes the allowed formats and includes sample tables.

Hint: All IRSA services accept tables in IPAC Table Format with right ascension and declination specified in J2000 decimal degrees and labeled as lowercase "ra" and "dec" in the 1st header line. However Catalog Searches ("Gator") and the WISE Image Archive currently have restrictions on parts of the table, and the table filename. And most services will not accept a table filename with a space in it (allowed by the Spitzer Heritage Archive and WISE Image Archive).

There is an IPAC Table Validator that can check the format of an uploaded table and convert from the formats below (except for the special SHA Space-Delimited format) to IPAC Table Format with J2000 decimal degrees. See the first section.

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IPAC Table Validator

The IPAC Table Validator 1) checks whether an uploaded table is in IPAC Table Format; 2) checks whether it satisfies the additional restrictions currently needed by the Catalog Search; and 3) if requested, tries to reformat the table to IPAC Table Format, and then re-checks (1) and (2).

To run, simply choose a table file from your local disk and hit Upload. The messages should be self-explanatory. Before worrying about the warnings, let it do (or try) the reformat step to an IPAC table (it will put a "_ref" in the name), which you should then be able to use in all IRSA services.

By default, it employs IRSA's name resolution/coordinate transformation to try to assign an RA and Dec to each target when "ra" and "dec" are not present (if not already on, click "Apply name resolution/coordinate transformation"). See the section below on Coordinates and Object Strings.

It's not always necessary to run the Table Validator. The next section explains which table formats each service can accept. But often it's easiest to run it and have a table in IPAC Table Format.

Table Formats

IRSA services accept some combination of the following ASCII table formats:

1. IPAC Table Format (or IPAC ASCII Column-Aligned Format).

The format definition is here: IPAC Table Format.

Briefly, an IPAC Table has the following structure:

Example of a basic IPAC Table Format file:

|  id         |           ra                 |         dec         |
|  char       |           double             |         double      |
     M56               289.147941100                30.184500500
     ic4710            277.158208330                66.982277780
     ngc 4552          188.915863750                12.556341390

2. Comma-Separated Values (CSV) or Comma-Delimited Format (Download example.)

This is a simple format where column names and data cells are separated by commas. Users storing data in a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel often save their table in a .csv file.

Requirements for CSV tables include:

IRSA Services that accept this format:

Example of Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Format (also known as Comma Delimited):

ngc 4552,188.915863750,12.556341390

3. Tab-Delimited Format (Download example.)

This format is used, for example, when exporting data from Microsoft Excel to a .txt file and selecting Tab-Delimited. In this format, each cell is separated by a tab character. Tabs should not occur within cells, only between them.

Requirements for tab-delimited tables are virtually identical to those for comma-separated and include:

IRSA Services that accept this format:

Example of Tab-Delimited Format:

id	  ra	          dec
M56	289.147941100	30.184500500
ic4710	277.158208330	-66.982277780
ngc 4552	188.915863750	12.556341390

In the above example, the columns are aligned using tab characters between each data cell. Note the data-columns may not line up exactly, even if tabs are applied consistently (as in row #3). Resist the temptation to add additional tabs in order to make the data align correctly; this will only create extra and empty columns, and your table upload will fail. Spaces are allowed in character data.

4. SHA Space-Delimited Format (Download example.) NOTE: only used by the SHA = Spitzer Heritage Archive.

In this format each cell is separated by a space. Therefore, if there is a space in your object name (e.g., "NGC 1001" versus NGC1001) or position ("34 23 45.45" versus 34d23m45.45s), you need to put quotes around the target name or its position. Since this format is only used by the Spitzer Heritage Archive, there are several additional requirements:

Example of SHA Space-Delimited Format:

COORD_SYSTEM: Equatorial
# Equatorial, Galactic, or Ecliptic - default is Equatorial
# B1950, J2000, or blank for Galactic - default is J2000
# NED or Simbad - default is Simbad
#Name     RA/LON       DEC/LAT     PM-RA PM-DEC EPOCH
"NGC 001" 12h34m23.45s 34d23m56.2s 2.3    3.4 1950.3
NGC2222   23.56d       34.456d     2.3    3.4 1950.3
NGC3333   23.56h       34.456d     2.3    3.4 1950.3
NGC4444  "12 34 12.23" "34 23 45.45"
legacy  "17 18 00" "59 30 00"
m33       simbad

5. Simple List of Object Names / Coordinates with No Header (Download example.)

Some IRSA services will accept a simple list of objects with no header. In this case, there are no complex formatting rules to remember. Objects can be listed by coordinates, or by name -- as recognized by NED and SIMBAD. Resolving the names with NED or SIMBAD may take a few seconds per row.

Requirements for this format are minimal:

IRSA Services that accept this format:


3 23 45.6 -12 34 56.78
ngc 4552
3h 22m 15.6s -13d 52m 11.17s
331.2 -6.94 ga
M 65

Coordinates and Object Strings

Usually coordinates are input as separate table columns. Most services can also handle "object strings", defined below.

1. Coordinates in Table Columns

All IRSA services accept right ascension and declination specified in J2000 decimal degrees and labeled in the table with column names lowercase "ra" and "dec". This is the format one should use if possible.

The IPAC Table Validator can convert the table types above (except for the SHA Space-Delimited format), and a range of coordinate column names, to an IPAC table with "ra" and "dec" in J2000 decimal degrees. Other services can do this internally. Coordinate column names can be the following, in lower- or upper-case:

Coordinate column names accepted by the Table Validator

radecEquatorial J2000
ra2000dec2000Equatorial J2000
ra2000de2000Equatorial J2000
_raj2000_dej2000Equatorial J2000
raj2000dej2000Equatorial J2000
raj2000decj2000Equatorial J2000
elon elat Ecliptic J2000
elon2000elat2000Ecliptic J2000
elon1950elat1950Ecliptic B1950

Coordinates submitted to the IPAC Table Validator service can be any of the following:

Coordinates accepted by the Table Validator

3 23 45.6-37 15 41
3h 23m 45.6s-37d 15m 41s
50d 56m 24s-37d 15m 41s

2. Object Strings

If no coordinate columns are found, the IPAC Table Validator service checks the table for possible column names that might contain an "object string":

Object String column names accepted by the Table Validator

Column Name

NOTE: a valid coordinate column overrides an object string.

It either parses the coordinates or looks up the object by name with NED and SIMBAD. For conversion, click on "Apply name resolution/coordinate transformation". Coordinates in object strings can be decimal degrees or sexagesimal, Equatorial, Galactic, or Ecliptic:

Example Object Strings accepted by the Table Validator

Object Strings
3h23m45.6s -37d15m41s eq
50.94000 -37.2614 ga
50d 56m 24s -37d 15m 41s ec

NOTE: Acceptable object strings are the same as the "Simple List" format above. They are also the same as those input to the single-source box.

Best Practices for Successful Table Upload

Troubleshooting Tables

Error Message: Error opening table file.

Reason: The table may be in a binary file format, such as .doc, .rtf or .xls. In order for a table to be read by IRSA's services, it must be in a plain text ASCII file.

Solution: Ensure table is a plain text ASCII file. If using Microsoft Excel, tables saved as .txt files may still contain format control characters. Try saving the table as a .csv file. Many IRSA services accept this format (see above). For the others, run it through the IPAC Table Validator to get an IPAC Format table. Make sure the .csv has only one header row, containing the column names.

Error Message: We cannot identify columns to use as coordinates or a column to use as object names/locations.

Reason: The column names do not sufficiently describe either an object, or a location on the sky using ra and dec.

Solution: Clean up the column names so they are recognizable by IRSA services. See Coordinates and Object Strings for more information.


| jcg-ra   | jcg-dec | size   |
  150.3814   2.3606    60.0
  150.2794   2.1560    60.0
  149.8873   2.0789    60.0
  150.2323   1.9599    60.0
  150.5407   2.5196    60.0
  149.9343   2.4426    60.0

In the above example, there is extraneous text with ra and dec, rendering the column name unrecognizable.

Error Message: Failed to parse the table.

Reason: Often this is because the table contains non-printable ASCII characters.

A non-printable ASCII character in a table, such as ^[ (escape) or ^\ (file separator), can create problems during the upload process.

Solution: Remove the characters from the file. Viewing control characters is done differently in different operating systems:

Error: Search results return objects at coordinates different than the intended input coordinates.

Reason: One possible scenario is that the table is using IPAC ASCII Column-Aligned format, but coordinate columns with spaces are misaligned.

Solution: The table data should stay contained within the boundaries set by the vertical lines in the column header rows.

In the following example, a table with misaligned data is reformatted by the IPAC Table Validator, leading to an error.

Misaligned data columns:

|  ra |      dec |    name|
 12 24 36   45 29 27   m1
  6 45 22    5 12 54   m2

Reformatted data columns:

| ra_u  | dec_u      | name     | ra              | dec             |
|char   |char        |char      |double           |double           |
  12 24   36   45 29   27   m1    186.1500000       +0.7580556       
  6 45    22    5 12   54   m2    101.3416667       +0.0866667       

The first set of coordinates is interpreted as 12h24m00s, 00d45m29s instead of the intended 12h24m36s, 45d29m27s.

Contacting IRSA's Help Desk

If you having a specific issue with tables that is not addressed in this document, contact the IRSA Help Desk by submitting a User Support Ticket.