II. User's Guide to the 2MASS All-Sky Data Release
1. General Properties of the Data Release
- Range of Dates Over Which Release Data Were Acquired:
- North: 1997 June 7 - 2000 December 1 UT
- South: 1998 March 18 - 2001 February 15 UT
- Total Number of Fully or Partially Photometric Nights Represented in the Release:
- North: 631 (out of total 691 nights available)
- South: 725 (out of total 725 nights available)
- Number of Tiles Included in Release (59,650 nominal Survey Tiles plus 81 special "gap-fill" Tiles) 59,731
- Tile selection criteria described in V.2
- Area of Release (III.2.c):
- Nominal imaging area: 41,252.255 deg2 (99.998% of the sky)
- Effective area of PSC* (excludes a 10´´ border for each Tile): 41,251.703 deg2 (99.997% of the sky)
- Effective area of XSC* (excludes a 15´´ border for each Tile): 41,251.313 deg2 (99.996% of the sky)
* Note that the effective areas of the PSC and XSC are further reduced by the obscuring effects of bright stars (c.f. I.6.a.i).
- PSC and XSC All-Sky Maps
- Point Source Catalog Source Counts (galactic aitoff projection)
- Extended Source Catalog Integrated Flux (equatorial aitoff projection)
[Last Updated: 2003 March 6; by R. Cutri]
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