COSMOS Intermediate and Broad Band Photometry Catalog 2008 Definitions
COSMOS Overview
The COSMOS Archive serves data taken for the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) project. COSMOS is an astronomical survey designed to probe the formation and evolution of galaxies as a function of cosmic time (redshift) and large scale structural environment. The survey covers a 2 square degree equatorial field with imaging by most of the major space-based telescopes (Hubble, Spitzer, GALEX, XMM, Chandra) and a number of large ground based telescopes (Subaru, VLA, ESO-VLT, UKIRT, NOAO, CFHT, and others).
All magnitudes are AB magnitudes except for the UKIRT J band magnitude, which is a Vega magnitude. This discrepancy will be fixed in an upcoming release.
IRSA serves the COSMOS archive using the following search methods:
- Spatial search on all images and small catalogs, using Atlas
- Advanced search on only the larger catalogs, using Gator
COSMOS Intermediate and Broad Band Photometry Catalog 2008 Column Definitions
Gator serves the COSMOS Intermediate and Broad Band Photometry Catalog 2008 (92 columns [87 delivered + 5 IRSA-created], 2,017,800 data rows). The column descriptions can be found below.
Column Name | Data Type | Units | Description |
ID | integer | number | Source ID number. A new detection image was used so these differ from the Capak et al. 2007 ID numbers |
ID_2006 | integer | number | Source ID number in Capak et al. 2007 catalog. An ID of 0 indicates no clear counterpart |
tile | integer | number | Number of Image Tile |
ra | float | degrees | Right Ascension (J2000) |
dec | float | degrees | Declination (J2000) |
pixel_x | float | pixels | X pixel position within image tile |
pixel_y | float | pixels | Y pixel position within image tile |
i_fwhm | float | pixels | FWHM on detection image. Measured on original PSF image, seeing changes as a function of flux and position |
i_max | float | nJy | Peak flux on detection image. Measured on original PSF image, seeing changes as a function of flux and position |
i_star | float | number | Stellarity measured on detection image. Measured on original PSF image, seeing changes as a function of flux and position |
i_auto | float | mag | Total magnitude in I band. SExtractor MAG_AUTO as measured on the image indicated by auto_flag |
auto_offset | float | mag | Aperture correction. Corretion between total and 3" aperture, band independent |
auto_flag | integer | number | Source of aperture correction and total magnitude. Image used for total magnitude determination, -1=No good data, 1=Subaru, 2=CFHT |
u | float | mag | CFHT u* band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
du | float | mag | Error on CFHT u* band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
B | float | mag | Subaru Bj band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dB | float | mag | Error on Subaru Bj band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
V | float | mag | Subaru Vj band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dV | float | mag | Error on Subaru Vj band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
g | float | mag | Subaru g+ band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dg | float | mag | Error on Subaru g+ band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
r | float | mag | Subaru r+ band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dr | float | mag | Error on Subaru r+ band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
i | float | mag | Subaru i+ band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
di | float | mag | Error on Subaru i+ band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
z_mag | float | mag | Subaru z+ band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dz | float | mag | Error on Subaru z+ band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
K | float | mag | KPNO/CTIO Ks band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dK | float | mag | Error on KPNO/CTIO Ks band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
ic | float | mag | CFHT i* band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dic | float | mag | Error on CFHT i* band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
us | float | mag | SDSS u band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on original image |
dus | float | mag | Error on SDSS u band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on original image |
gs | float | mag | SDSS g band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on original image |
dgs | float | mag | Error on SDSS g band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on original image |
rs | float | mag | SDSS r band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on original image |
drs | float | mag | Error on SDSS r band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on original image |
is | float | mag | SDSS i band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on original image |
dis | float | mag | Error on SDSS i band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on original image |
zs | float | mag | DSS z band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on original image |
dzs | float | mag | Error on DSS z band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on original image |
F814W | float | mag | HST F814W band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dF814W | float | mag | Error on HST F814W band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
NB816 | float | mag | Subaru NB816 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dNB816 | float | mag | Error on Subaru NB816 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
IA427 | float | mag | Subaru IA427 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dIA427 | float | mag | Error on Subaru IA427 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
IA464 | float | mag | Subaru IA464 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dIA464 | float | mag | Error on Subaru IA464 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
IA505 | float | mag | Subaru IA505 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dIA505 | float | mag | Error on Subaru IA505 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
IA574 | float | mag | Subaru IA574 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dIA574 | float | mag | Error on Subaru IA574 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
IA709 | float | mag | Subaru IA709 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dIA709 | float | mag | Error on Subaru IA709 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
IA827 | float | mag | Subaru IA827 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dIA827 | float | mag | Error on Subaru IA827 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
NB711 | float | mag | Subaru NB711 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dNB711 | float | mag | Error on Subaru NB711 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
Kc | float | mag | CFHT Ks band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image. Citation |
dKc | float | mag | Error on CFHT Ks band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
J | float | mag | UKIRT J band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dJ | float | mag | Error on UKIRT J band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
IA484 | float | mag | Subaru IA484 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dIA484 | float | mag | Error on Subaru IA484 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
IA527 | float | mag | Subaru IA527 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dIA527 | float | mag | Error on Subaru IA527 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
IA624 | float | mag | Subaru IA624 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dIA624 | float | mag | Error on Subaru IA624 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
IA679 | float | mag | Subaru IA679 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dIA679 | float | mag | Error on Subaru IA679 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
IA738 | float | mag | Subaru IA738 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dIA738 | float | mag | Error on Subaru IA738 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
IA767 | float | mag | Subaru IA767 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
dIA767 | float | mag | Error on Subaru IA767 band magnitude measured in a 3" diameter aperture on a PSF matched image |
Eb_v | float | color | Galactic extiction e(B-V). Measured from Schlegel et. al. dust maps |
FUV | float | mag | GALEX FUV magnitude. PSF Fit magnitude |
dFUV | float | mag | Error on GALEX FUV magnitude. PSF Fit magnitude |
NUV | float | mag | GALEX NUV magnitude. PSF Fit magnitude |
dNUV | float | mag | Error on GALEX NUV magnitude. PSF Fit magnitude |
mask_FUV | integer | number | Bad pixel mask for GALEX FUV. 0 = good, 1=bad |
mask_NUV | integer | number | Bad pixel mask for GALEX NUV. 0 = good, 1=bad |
B_mask | integer | number | Bad pixel mask for Subaru Bj. 0 = good, a number >0 indicates the area of the aperture that is masked in square arc seconds |
V_mask | integer | number | Bad pixel mask for Subaru Vj. 0 = good, a number >0 indicates the area of the aperture that is masked in square arc seconds |
i_mask | integer | number | Bad pixel mask for Subaru i+. 0 = good, a number >0 indicates the area of the aperture that is masked in square arc seconds |
z_mask | integer | number | Bad pixel mask for Subaru z+. 0 = good, a number >0 indicates the area of the aperture that is masked in square arc seconds |
deep_mask | integer | number | Mask for deep area. 0 = good, a number >0 indicates the area of the aperture that is outside the deep area in square arc seconds |