Data Access

S-COSMOS Overview

S-COSMOS is a deep infrared imaging survey carried out with the Spitzer Space Telescope. The survey covers the entire 2 square degrees of the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) field. The S-COSMOS and COSMOS projects are closely coupled; therefore, their data are served as one large COSMOS Archive using IRSA's general search service, Atlas. S-COSMOS is part of the Spitzer Legacy Program. The data products released are part of the Spitzer General Observer Cycle 2 (GO2) program, including predominantly IRAC products (images and catalog). MIPS data include shallow images/catalogs covering the entire COSMOS field. There are also deep MIPS images covering only a test field of 0.16 sq. degrees for the upcoming GO3 program. The GO3 products will become public in September 2008.

S-COSMOS MIPS 70um and 160um Photometry Catalog v3.0

Processing Details:

S-COSMOS MIPS 70um and 160um Photometry Catalog v3.0 (GO2 & GO3) Definitions

Gator serves the following MIPS 70um and 160um Photometry (GO2 & G03) Catalogs:

Please refer to the MIPS 70um/160um v3.0 data delivery README for general information on S-COSMOS catalogs and images.

The column descriptions can be found below.

Column Name Data Type Units Description
SourceName char n/a S-COSMOS identifier for the source
ra float degrees Right Ascension (J2000)
dec float degrees Declination (J2000)
err float arcsec Positional error
S160/S70 float mJy Flux density
err160/err70 float mJy 1-sigma error on S160/S70, including calibration uncertainty
SNR float   Signal-to-Noise Ratio of the source peak
flag char   p=PRF; a=aperture measurement