The Mid-Infrared Spectrometer (MIRS: Roellig et al.
1994, Roellig et al. 1996; see IRSA IRTS
Bibliography Listing) is one of
the four focal plane instruments on the Infrared
Telescope in Space (
mission. The instrument has been constructed, tested,
and calibrated in the laboratory and is presently
scheduled to be launched by a Japanese expendable
launch vehicle as part of the Space Flyer Unit-1
mission in early 1995. The wavelength coverage of the
MIRS ranges from 4.5 to 11.7 microns, with a spectral
resolution of 0.23 to 0.36 microns. With the
cryogenically cooled optics of the IRTS telescope
assembly, the MIRS will be able to make an extremely
sensitive survey of both point-source and extended
objects over an estimated 10% of the sky.