Data Access

ADS Search Results for IRTS Publications

In the NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS), the Astronomy/Planetary Query Form was used to search for IRTS publications. IRSA searched for 'Infrared Telescope in Space' in the "Abstract Words/Keywords" text box; for the time period of January 1990 - March 2004. The 47 search results (papers) can be found here, with biblio-code links to each publication. For IRTS papers published after March 2004, please use an ADS search form to find more recent publications.

Also, the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS in Sagamihara, Japan) provided a text-only list of IRTS-related publications. We have retained their list below. Please note that the ISAS publications listing has a handful of papers which are not in the ADS search results, and can be used in compliment; we did not filter their list and therefore it contains duplicates to the ADS listing. We would also like to point out that IRSA did not create the list below, and does not update or maintain it.

ISAS Publication List

(last update July 15, 2003)

1983/ 1985/ 1988/ 1989/ 1990/ 1991/ 1992/ 1993/ 1994/ 1995/ 1996/ 1997/ 1998/ 1999/ 2000/ 2001/ 2002/ 2003/

***** 1983 *****

***** 1985 *****

***** 1988 *****

***** 1989 *****

***** 1990 *****

***** 1991 *****

***** 1992 *****

***** 1993 *****

***** 1994 *****

***** 1995 *****

***** 1997 *****

***** 1998 *****

***** 1999 *****

***** 2000 *****

***** 2001 *****

***** 2002 *****

***** 2003 *****