Data Access

Planck Public Data Release 1 (PR1) Mission Ancillary Data

Note: This page lists products from PR1 (2013 release). Some are replaced by newer products from PR2 (2015 release), see the PR2 Ancillary Data page.

The seven additional data sets available here consist of 1) those used to derive cosmological parameters from the CMB power spectrum, 2) all-sky masks used for component separation and CMB power spectrum estimates, 3) instrumentation information for the LFI and HFI detectors, 4) validation data for Planck SZ cluster catalog, 5) all-sky simulated maps of the foregrounds and CMB, 6) HEALPix maps containng the number of observation dates and the specific dates across the sky, and 7) conversions between HEALPix pixel numbers and sky coordinates.

A description of the HEALPix map format and a suite of software tools are available at the HEALPix site, http://healpix.sourceforge.net. Planck mission products and the observation date files are described in the Explanatory Supplement.

Cosmology data

Data setNotes
Frequency Map Power Spectrum
030 044 070 100-ds1 100-ds2
143-5 143-6 143-7 143-ds1 143-ds2
217-1 217-2 217-3 217-4 217-ds1 217-ds2
Individual Frequency detectors/detectors sets Power Spectra
Combined CMB Power Spectrum CMB Power Spectra - updated for December 2013
HFI Cross Power Spectra Tar file with cross power spectra between detectors/sets in HFI bands
Cosmological Parameters Best fit cosmological parameters with confidence intervals from Planck
Cosmological Parameters: Full Grid Tar file with full-grid of Markov Chains for cosmological parameters
Parameters: Planck only Markov Chains using Planck low and high-L Temperature
Parameters: Planck+lensing Markov Chains using Planck low and high-L Temperature with lensing reconstruction
Parameters: Planck+WP Markov Chains using Planck low and high-L Temperature with low-L WMAP9 Polarization
Parameters: Planck+WP+lensing Markov Chains using Planck low and high-L Temperature with lensing reconstruction and low-L WMAP9 Polarization
Parameters: Planck+WP+highL Markov Chains using Planck low and high-L Temperature with low-L WMAP9 Polarization and high-resolution CMB datasets
Parameters: Planck+WP+highL+lensing Markov Chains using Planck low and high-L Temperature with lensing reconstruction, low-L WMAP9 Polarization and high-resolution CMB datasets

Foreground Masks

Data setNotes
Galactic Mask used for CMB Power Spectrum Healpix Format
Galactic Masks Healpix Format 7 Planes with Increasing Fraction of Sky
Source Masks: 030 044 070 HFI SZ Union Healpix Format at 9 frequencies and SZ Union
Component Separation Masks Component Separation Masks
Foreground Masks for CMB HEALPix masks of the Galaxy and foreground sources used for the CMB power spectrum estimate - new for December 2013
Foreground Masks for Likelihoods Ten sets of HEALPix masks used in the likelihood estimates - new for December 2013
Galactic Mask: 30 GHz Galactic Mask: 30 GHz
Galactic Mask: 44 and 70 GHz Galactic Mask: 44 and 70 GHz

Mission data

Data setNotes
Products listing: LFI HFI Listing by filename of Planck-specific files in DR1
Reduced Instrument Model (RIMO): LFI HFI Includes beam parameters, effective frequencies and throughputs
Focal Plane Layout SIAM Spacecraft Instrument Alignment Matrix - image and values
Band Transmission: 030 044 070 100 143 217 353 545 857 ASCII files: LFI bands contain frequency in GHz vs transmission; HFI bands contain wavenumber in cm-1 vs transmission

Validation data

Data setNotes
SZ Cluster Data FITS binary table file with supplementary information retrieved from external sources on the 1227 clusters in the PSZ catalog from DR1 - new for December 2013


Data setNotes
LFI File List LFI Download
HFI File List HFI Download
An extensive set of simulated sky maps for the foregrounds and the CMB - new for December 2013, see note in the DR1 README,

Sky Distribution of Observation Dates

SurveyFrequency [GHz]
Survey 1: 30 44 70 100 143 217 353 545 857
Survey 2: 30 44 70 100 143 217 353 545 857
Survey 3 Partial: 30 44 70 100 143 217 353 545 857

HEALPix Pixel Coordinates

NSIDENPIXSpacing [arcmin]NESTED CoordinatesRING Coordinates
256786,43213.742 pixel_coords_map_nested_ns256.fits.gz pixel_coords_map_ring_ns256.fits.gz
5123,145,7286.871 pixel_coords_map_nested_ns512.fits.gz pixel_coords_map_ring_ns512.fits.gz
102412,582,9123.435 pixel_coords_map_nested_ns1024.fits.gz pixel_coords_map_ring_ns1024.fits.gz
204850,331,6481.718 pixel_coords_map_nested_ns2048.fits.gz pixel_coords_map_ring_ns2048.fits.gz