This list was established thanks to contributions from participants during the 'Rocks, Dust and Ice' workshop. It is intended as a living community resources.

Light-Scattering Newsletter (maintained by L. Kolokolova), including

T-matrixcodes fro non-spherical particles

Database of various computer codes for inhomogeneous particles

Various codes  for the computation of (polarized) bidirectional reflectance of flat particulate layers and rough surfaces

T-matrix code for aggregates

DDA collection of codes by B. Draine and P, Flatau

Database of the codes for light scattering by particles by T. Wriedt

Library of DDA codes by P. Flatau

ADDA: light scattering simulator

simulation of digital terrain models

Small Bodies package (astropy affiliated):

SIRIS - single particle scattering

Planetary spectrum generator

Tutorial repository for planetary scientists:

Independent review board (IRB) on improving the Planetary Data Ecosystem (PDE)

To discuss good practices:

NASA Github:

Optics software (non astro)